kicked out chapter 26

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Riley - OK Lucas tell them today right

Lucas - yes today

Riley - you ready

Lucas - yes I am

Riley - OK

Topanga - if they don't take it well then you can always stay here Lucas

Lucas - thank you

Topanga - No problem honey

He leaves to go see his parents

Riley - his gonna be OK right

Topanga - yes baby even if they don't like the news of a baby right now

Riley - thank you mom he says it won't go to well for him after they find out about the baby

Topanga - well you'll know soon just relax OK for the baby Riley the baby

Riley - I am mommy

Topanga - thank you 

She puts her hand on Riley's stomach

Topanga - OK so I'm gonna get you some food

Riley - sure

Topanga kisses her forehead

And Lucas calls

Riley - hey how did it go

Lucas - how do you think

Riley - that bad huh

Lucas - well They kicked me out how's that sound

Riley - I'm sorry where are you

Lucas - coming back to you

Riley - OK Friar

They hang up

Riley - mom

Topanga - yeah

Riley - they kicked him out

Topanga - it's OK Riley

Knocking on the bay window Riley Runs to open it

Lucas - hi

Riley - hey come in

He comes in the window

Riley - what did they say to you Lucas

Lucas - um

Riley - do I even want to know

Lucas - I'll tell you

Topanga - Riley food oh hi Lucas

Lucas - I'm out

Topanga - and now you're here with us

Lucas - thanks again

Topanga - sure

Lucas sits on the bed with Riley

Lucas - they really kicked me out

Riley - don't worry Lucas please don't worry

Want to know what his parents said you will and more mare Maya and Zay and Farkle the baby will come soon enough I know yayyyyyyyyyy right bye bye

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now