princess princess princess chapter 28

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Riley - hey girl it's mommy I just wanted to talk to you and tell you that I love you so much so does you're daddy

Lucas is leaning against the door frame listening to Riley talk to their baby girl

Lucas - she knows how much you love her Matthews

Riley - I know Friar but it never  hurts tell her again

Lucas - beautiful you'll be fine

Topanga - Riley

Riley - yeah

Topanga - you're dad is here

Riley - OK Lucas help me out please

Lucas - 123 up

Riley - thank you


Riley - hi

Cory - hi how is she

Riley - good I'm just trying to wait until she tell me she's ready to come

Cory - good Riley she will

Auggie - are you really having a baby Riley

Riley - yes

Auggie - so I am gonna be an uncle

Riley - yes

Auggie - sweet

Cory and Topanga - yeah

Auggie - when she comes I'll be the best uncle ever

Riley - I know

Auggie - good

Lucas - everything is going to be OK Riley

Riley - she's late Lucas

Lucas - only a little bit Riley

Riley - it's a bad thing

Lucas - don't panic

Cory and Topanga - you know what we can take you to the doctor if you want to go

Riley - I want to go

Cory and Topanga - OK the doctor we go

They leave and go to the hospital

To be continued

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now