50 I love her

55 6 3

Jason's house in Jason's room

Jason - Ashley she told me she loves me and I just sat there looking stupid I have loved her for a long time I just didn't know how to tell her but now that she said it I think she loves me now I love her with all my heart I do but I don't know how to tell her but I know I have to make this right

Amy - Jason

Jason - hi mom

Amy - where's Ashley

Jason - she's not exactly happy with me right now

Amy - what happened

Jason - Ashley told me she loves me and I didn't say it back

Amy - oh son do you love her

Jason - yes I do I love her

Amy - then make it right

Jason - I will

Jason grabs his coat and leaves

Amy - fix it Jason fix it

Jason climbs the fire escape

Jason - Ash

Riley and Lucas - Jason she's not here she's with her grandparents

Jason - OK

Riley and Lucas - you can wait for her if you want she'll be back soon

Jason - OK

Riley and Lucas - so what's up Jason

Jason -  well

Riley and Lucas - yeah

Jason - here I go

Riley and Lucas - OK

Jason - Ashley means the world to me she is my favorite person to do everything with the first thing want to do  is see when I wake up I think about her all the time she's my joy and happiness and I have loved her since we were five years old I love her

Riley and Lucas - and there it is you love our daughter you take care of our daughter and if you don't take care of our daughter it won't be pretty for you

Jason - understood

Riley and Lucas - good

Jason - I really love Ashley

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy - whoa

Ashley - you love me 

Jason - yeah Ashley Topanga Friar I love you

Ashley - you just said you love me

Jason - Ashley I do

Ashley - I love you too

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy - aww wow our granddaughter grown up

Riley and Lucas - we trust you to take care of her

Jason - I will I promise 

Riley and Lucas - Ash sweetheart this is what you want

Ashley - I'm going to hang on to him because I love my best friend and my best friend's loves my back

Jason - I love you too wholeheartedly 

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - she did it

Riley and Lucas - yeah she did

Two more chapters of this book to go my Reyton Rucas Angels 

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now