wonder chapter 22

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Riley - mm mm

Lucas - what are you doing

Riley - thinking about the baby

Lucas - what about the baby Riles

Riley - well I was thinking what if it looks like you what it look like me wouldn't like the same stuff we like or something completely different what if I'm a bad mother

Lucas - Riley you're not going to be a bad mother you are going to be the best mother ever why would you think that you would be a bad mother

Riley - I don't know I just think that just because I had a good mother doesn't mean I would be a good one

Lucas - well you are you are you have a good family it's not the way it used to be but it's there when the baby grows up it's going to know that you are the best mommy ever your family is still your family

Riley - how am I supposed to tell my dad I got pregnant

Topanga is against the door frame

Topanga - with the help of me you can tell him the truth and you are going to be the best mommy ever you have nothing to worry about even if the baby's not into  everything that you are

Maya calls

Maya - honey

Riley - peaches

Maya - what's going on what's new with you

Riley - Peaches I am pregnant I have been pregnant for the past two weeks

Maya - and Lucas knows your mom knows

Riley - yes they know the only person who doesn't know is my father

Maya - ouch Matthews

Riley - well my mom is taking it well pretty good actually she offered  to help us out with the baby

Topanga - because I will hi Maya

Maya - hi mrs. Matthews

Topanga - anything else your mind is wondering about

Riley - just how I'm going to tell him the truth

Maya - you got a great team behind you nothing can get in your way now

Lucas - see we're here

Riley - I know that everybody says that they're here and I love it and I appreciate it but I just can't help but wonder if he's even going to love me the same I can't get that out of my head and I wish I could but I can't it's stuck there everything gets stuck there telling me that he won't he won't love me the same he won't look at me the same and I won't look at him the same either because he won't look at me the same this could go wrong and I did that everybody should have a positive vibe but there is this Wonder this bad Wonder and it's tugging at me pulling at me and it won't stop how do I get it to stop

Topanga - by believing us when we tell you that we're here even if worse comes to worse you're wondering has got nothing on this your bad Wonder doesn't exist against us doubt that it ever could against us

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now