cries screams cries again chapter 30

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Home from the doctor

Lucas - Riley baby where are you going

Riley - bathroom baby

Cory and Topanga - Lucas maybe you should go after her get her to open the door

Lucas - maybe

They can hear her crying

Cory and Topanga - Riley open the door please

Lucas - Riles baby please let me in

Then she starts screaming

Lucas - princess open the door

She finally opens the door

Lucas - come here

He sits on the floor with her and let's  her cry in his arms then his emotions hit him in his heart slowly he feels more tears running down his face he can't hold anymore and every  tear he had has fallen from his face and hers Cory and Topanga and Auggie can hear them in pain crying and screaming crying again and their hearts to break everytime they hear it

Auggie - I wish that we could do something for them

Cory and Topanga - what we can do is be there for them Auggie

Back in the bathroom

Lucas - ready to leave the bathroom Riley

Riley - No Lucas

Lucas - OK Riles then we won't go anywhere yet OK

Riley - OK Friar

More crying and screaming  because all they can feel is pain

Hours later still in  the bathroom Riley has fallen asleep on Lucas and Lucas carries her to her bed

Cory and Topanga - Lucas

Lucas - yeah

Cory and Topanga - we hope you and Riley get everything you want and we'll always be here for both of you

Lucas - thank you

Cory and Topanga - sure

Topanga walks Cory and Auggie to the door

Auggie - they will be OK right

Topanga - yes they just need time Auggie

Auggie - even though I'm her little brother I always want Riley and Lucas to be OK

Cory - I think they know you do that's one of the best things you've ever said they would appreciate it

Topanga - yeah honey they would

Cory - Topanga you call me anytime no matter what

Topanga - I will especially at a time like this

Cory and Topanga hug

Auggie - bye mommy

Topanga - see you later honey I love you

Auggie - I love you

They leave Topanga locks the door and cheeks on Riley and Lucas Riley is tucked under Lucas and Lucas has his arm hugging her body

Topanga - why did this happen why I hate that it did and I can't help but wish it was different not this way

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now