51 joy love all of the above

53 7 4

Ashley - I want to show you something

Jason - yeah

Ashley - yeah come on

Jason - OK

Ashley - mom dad

Riley and Lucas - yeah

Ashley - I'll be back OK

Riley and Lucas - OK sweetheart

Ashley - let's go

Jason - after you

Ashley - thank you

Ashley and Jason climbs down the fire escape

Ashley starts running

Jason - Ash

Ashley - yeah

Jason - where are we going

Ashley - to see my sister

Jason - really and how do you're parents feel about you going to see her on you're own

Ashley - their OK with it I've been doing it since I was 12 years old and I'm 15 now it's been almost 4 years of going to see my sister on my own we all do it on our own and then together again

Jason - and you want me to go with you

Ashley - yes

Jason - you sure

Ashley - if I wasn't sure you wouldn't be going with me now would you

Jason - true

They laugh

At Christina's grave

Ashley - hi big sis I'm back to tell you hi and I did it I got my best friend who loves me back

Ashley sits under a tree by her sister's  grave Jason sits with her and Ashley tells Christina's  everything about life and of course the leafs fall the wind blows

Jason - does that happen a lot

Ashley - when I'm here yeah and sometimes on quite days at home with all of us together it's nice really nice

Jason - I bet it is

Ashley - mm mm

Jason -  thanks for showing me this

Ashley - your welcome and thank you for coming with me

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now