wearhouse chapter 16

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Figured out how to write this my eyes are still  a little froggy so excuse me if anything is  misspelled but I think I'm OK enough to write after all

Topanga - honey what are you wearing

Riley - it's for my date with Lucas

Topanga - what kind of date exactly Riley

Riley - I'm not exactly sure what kind of date it is

Topanga - huh

Riley - what

Topanga - you two are interesting

Lucas - Matthews

Riley - Friar

Lucas - ready

Riley - what else would I be if not ready Friar

Lucas - Matthews I don't know

Riley - oh but you do Friar

They leave her apartment

Topanga - wow

Riley and Lucas are running

Riley - where are we running to Friar

Lucas - you'll see Matthews

Riley - yeah yeah yeah

Lucas notices Riley has gotten a sudden  adrenaline rush

Lucas - Matthews

Riley - Friar

Lucas - Matthews did you're  adrenaline  rush kick in

Riley - yeah it did big time how are you ever going to tell me where we're  running to

Lucas - stop it's right in front of you

She stops in front of a wearhouse

Riley - a wearhouse Friar

Lucas - yeah

Riley - why a wearhouse Friar

Lucas - go in and see

Riley - OK

They go into the wearhouse

Riley - what the hell Friar this really isn't normal

Lucas - I know

Riley - I like it but are we going to do here Friar

Lucas - well Matthews whatever we want to do we can here make this place our just our when things are bad and we feel like we can't or don't want to go home we come here Riles

Riley - Friar does this wearhouse belong to anybody at all

Lucas - No and other people don't know about it

Riley - and you do

Lucas - yeah I do

Riley - OK

Lucas - No questions

Riley - just one where do we start

Lucas - we need paint

Riley - huh are you 100% positive that this doesn't belong to anybody I mean I'm all for Adventures and doing things that aren't exactly normal can being in an old abandoned warehouse on a date with my boyfriend is not normal but are you sure that we can actually do this

Lucas - yes

Riley - how do you know this

Lucas - because it doesn't belong to anybody anymore it used to belong to Ricky before he went into the pizza making business I know about it he told me about it once you're the only two people who know i used to come here and hang out with Ricky I always said that I would never want to stop coming here then when he told me that he was going into the pizza making business but I could always come here and nobody else ever bought it so we can do this because I always come here Ricky knows that I was coming here

Riley - huh so that's why you would disappear to every Saturday when we were little

Lucas - yeah this is it and now it's not just where I can come anymore it's where you can come too

Riley - tomorrow we paint can do whatever we want for now just talk sit and whatever crazy thing happens next just happens

Lucas - different for us huh

Riley - was it ever going to be anything else here's to a lot of adrenaline rushes unique things and paint

Lucas - ready to make this place our own

Riley - yeah I am

Lucas gets up

Lucas - paint

Riley - tomorrow

Lucas - not the wearhouse Matthews

Riley - red blue Friar.

Lucas - yes

Riley and Lucas start painting each other again

Riley - purple

Lucas - purple Matthews purple

Riley - making purple is good

Lucas grabs her waist hard she grabs his hair helping grabs her their lips touch Riley adrenaline is high and she knows it Lucas can feel it too like never before

Lucas - We Can't Stop if you want

Riley - I don't

They continue Riley and Lucas completely taken by each other the way her hips moves across his torso kisses and touches crave by both Riley and Lucas move smoothly across the wearhouse while kissing deeply Riley is safely in him arm completely safe Lucas moves down her body making her feel butterflies chills and more then Riley pulls Lucas into her closer and everything is in slow motion all they care about is each other Riley kisses him making him moan for more they crave each other She moves grabs him by the shirt takes it off she just jumps on him Lucas doesn't mind neither does she they continue all night like they can't get enough of each other at all

hey reader the chapter was going to be crazy but I changed my mind about that right now bye bye Reyton Rucas Angels as always I love you all so much until the next chapter lovely lovely  people

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