when the wind blows part 1 chapter 41

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Ashley is now 5 years old and today is the birthday of Riley and Lucas's  first daughter or at least it would have been anyway

Riley - Lucas do we go to the Cemetery today

Lucas - yeah Riley it's her birthday  we go to the cemetery every year on her birthday 

Ashley - mommy daddy can I go see my sister too

Riley and Lucas - Ashley sweetheart we don't know about that

Ashley - but you always talk about her please please please 

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy Maya Zay Farkle Smackle all come in

All of them - Riley Lucas are you ready

Riley and Lucas - yes we are

All of them - OK

Ashley - me too 

Riley and Lucas - baby

Lucas picks Ashley up and puts her on his lap Riley sits next to him with Ashley 

Riley and Lucas - we don't want you to cry and be sad and we think you should stay with Jason and his mom OK

Ashley - mommy daddy my sister I want to go see her

Chris and Daisy - Riley Lucas maybe she's ready

Cory and Topanga - and maybe you two are not ready but we think she is

Riley and Lucas she at their daughter

Riley and Lucas - Ashley are you ready to go see you're big sister today

Ashley - yes mommy daddy I won't be sad today I promise

Riley and Lucas - you don't have to promise that Ashley

Ashley - you sure

Riley and Lucas - yeah

They kiss her forehead 

Ashley - so mommy daddy can I go

Riley and Lucas - yeah you can go to Ashley

Ashley - thank you mommy daddy

Riley and Lucas - you're welcome sweetheart  you're welcome 

Zay Maya Smackle Farkle - she's ready to do this really ready Riley Lucas she's not scared of it at all because she's ready

Riley and Lucas - yeah we know she is

Riley and Lucas grabs Ashley by her hand and they all go to the cemetery together 

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now