I'm pregnant chapter 24

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Riley - today we tell my dad I'm pregnant so much problems with this but I have to tell him some time right

Topanga - Riley Lucas let's go

Lucas - Matthews

Riley - Friar

Lucas - ready

Riley - I don't have a choice so yes

Lucas - OK

In the car

Topanga - honey breath

Riley  - I would if I could mom

Topanga - you can you just think you can't

Lucas - the worst thing that can happen is he gets mad surely it can't get any worse then that

Riley - yeah maybe

They arrive at Cory's apartment

Topanga - here we are honey

Riley - oh my God

Lucas - remember the worst that could happen

Riley - OK

They get out of the car knocks on the door

Cory - hi kids Topanga

Riley and Lucas - hi

Topanga - they have to tell you something Cory I'm here for support

Cory - what kids

Topanga - it's OK kids tell him

They are quite for a while

Cory - so

Topanga - words kids

They prepare for the worse hope for the best

Riley and Lucas - we are going to be parents we having a baby

They step away a little bit

Cory - you are what say that again

Riley and Lucas - we are having a baby

Cory - that's it that's what I thought you said

Riley and Lucas - yeah that's it so

Cory - he dies

Topanga stands up Cory starts chasing Lucas


Cory catches Lucas picks him up


Cory is pissed

Topanga - Cory stop it now put him down

Cory - Topanga Riley is pregnant because of him

Topanga - I know but Cory clam down

Riley - he wasn't alone in this it was both of us together

Lucas - mr. Matthews I love you Riley and our baby I will be there in every way I know you are not happy about this but I am involved in this too

Cory - my baby's really pregnant

Riley - yeah

Topanga - she is

Cory - um wow I can't believe it

Riley - I couldn't either but I am

Topanga - I'm helping with the baby

Cory - you knew before I did

Topanga - yes and you know why Cory

Cory - I'm clam now Lucas

Lucas - yes

Cory - you know what you have to do

Lucas - I know sir I know

Cory - good to know mr. Friar

Lucas - yeah

Cory - I'm gonna be a grandpa

Riley and Lucas - yes

Cory - bring it on my grand baby everything you got

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now