la la la chapter 37

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In the kitchen

Riley - Ashley sweetheart what are you doing

Ashley - I'm eating cereal mommy daddy said I could mommy

Riley - did he now

Ashley - un - huh he said I do it all by myself

Riley - Mommy gets it Lucas

Lucas - yeah

Riley - you told Ashley she could have cereal all by herself

Lucas - she wanted it and she looked at me not just a look Riley it was her puppy dog eyes really cute they got me really good

Riley - well one mommy is proud of you for using your puppy dog eyes on Daddy and two let's get you cleaned up okay

Ashley - OK Mommy

Riley kisses him so does Ashley

Riley Ashley - we love you

Lucas - I love my girls too so much

Riley and Riley run to the bathroom to get Ashley cleaned up

Lucas - I'm happy I have my girls they are the best

Ashley - Mommy I love you

Riley - mommy loves you too

Lucas is the kitchen cleaning the kitchen up when Ashley runs and give him a hug a big one

Lucas - you all clean

Ashley - I am

Lucas tickles of his daughter and watches her face light up

Ashley - stop stop ticklish I'm ticklish

Lucas - I know you're a lot like your mommy

Riley watches at the door as Lucas and Ashley have father-daughter time and she can't help but smile at the happiness in front of her and she joins in they all run around chasing each other

Ashley - mommy daddy you can't catch me

Riley Lucas - so we'll see about that baby girl we're coming to get you

Ashley - no you're not

Ashley takes off running and so does Riley and Lucas chasing after there a sweet adorable little girl and having fun ,l we got you

Ashley - again again again

Riley Lucas - ok

And it starts over again

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now