liar chapter 4

165 9 3

One week later time jump

Topanga - Lucas is here

Riley - yeah

Topanga - what I don't get is why you are helping him plan dates for another girl

Riley - I want him to be happy mom

Topanga - un-huh I know you do

Riley - I really do

Topanga - I have to go to work

Riley - OK have a good day

Topanga - you to honey

She leaves

Lucas - Matthews

Riley - Friar

Lucas - you OK

Riley - yeah why

Lucas - Riles I know you

Riley - I know you too Lucas look I have information for you on Amy

Lucas - what you did it Riles thank you

Riley - I told you I want you to be happy this seems to make you really happy and I want that for you

Lucas - I want that for you to Riles

Riley - anyway her favorite color is red she likes romantic movies and m&m's

Lucas - how did you

Riley - I may have talked to her for you

Lucas - thank you

He hugs her again and she feels that feeling she did the last time they hugged

Riley - I no problem Friar

Lucas - do you know  how amazing you are Matthews

Riley - aww Friar says I'm amazing

She teases him

Lucas - you are

He looks at her really looks at her

Riley - What Friar

Lucas - Nothing Nothing

Riley - OK then friar

Lucas - I still can't believe you did what you did and it was all for me

Riley - yeah let's not make a big deal out of it

He remembers the words girls don't make me nervous he replays that over and over again in his head

Riley - huh

Lucas - what what

Riley - something is happening for you you don't want me to know

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now