Ashley - today I tell Jason my feelings OK I'm ready
Riley - remember what I said OK Ashley
Ashley - I do
Lucas - good luck sweetheart
Ashley - thank you daddy
Lucas - and no matter what happens you'll find the person you look and who loves you the same way
Riley - you're daddy is right
She smiles at her parents
Ashley - yeah yeah he is he definitely is
She hugs her parents tightly they kiss her forehead sweetly
Ashley - bye mommy bye daddy
Riley and Lucas - bye sweetheart
Ashley leaves out the window
Riley and Lucas - she's 15 she can do this
At the park
Jason - hey Ash what's up
Ashley - OK here I go
Jason - yeah
Ashley - you are my best friend forever and ever and I don't know how you take this but I have to tell you something give it a try a least
Jason - Ash
Ashley - don't run away OK please don't
Jason - Ash why would I run away from you
Ashley looks up at him her pretty green emerald beautiful eyes just like her daddy's eyes meeting his blue amazing ones
Ashley - because I um I think I love you Jason and it scares me it really scares me because yeah I do love you
Jason - you Ashley Topanga Friar love me
Ashley - yeah yeah I do
Jason - wow wow wow you really love me
Ashley - un-huh I do but maybe this was a mistake a big mistake
His eyes go wide
Ashley - it was oh my God I'm so stupid
Ashley starts running again
Jason - Ashley wait
But she's already gone before he can say anything to her
Ashley is climbing the fire escape again
Riley and Lucas - hi baby girl
They look at their daughter's face full of tears
Ashley - I think I made a mistake I think I messed up
Riley and Lucas - what happened sweetheart
Ashley runs to parents and put her head on their laps
Riley and Lucas - tell us sweetheart
Ashley - well I told him all he could say was you love me I kept saying yes then he said wow wow wow I said it was a mistake after that his eyes went wide and he didn't say it back ran before he could say anything he called my name but I was already gone and didn't look back and here I am back at home because now it was a mistake to do it
Riley and Lucas look at each other and mouths the words catch her
Riley and Lucas - hey shh shh it's OK you're OK it only means that maybe Jason isn't the one for you but that doesn't mean it's going to be all bad for you you Ashley Topanga Friar are 15 years old you have you're whole life ahead of you and love will find you and you will find love you already have love you know a lot of it we love you your grandparents love you aunt Maya loves you uncle Zay too uncle Farkle and aunt Smackle love you too we all do there are different kinds of love the love you feel for him isn't the only kind of love Ashley and Jason that love will come back to you maybe just maybe it will come from a different person we stayed together as long as we did because we loved each other so much even when we weren't always together but we always find a our back to each other and when you find that kind of love you hold on to it hold on Ash
Ashley - thank you I will can I lay here just a little bit longer please
Riley and Lucas - of course sweetheart of course you never have to ask that from us we love you so much Ash you know that
Ashley closes her eyes
Ashley - I know I do I've always known that you love me my whole family loves me I love you too so much
Riley and Lucas - we know you do from the day you were born we knew that you would love us and we would love you forever we knew how much you meant to us how much you and your sister will always mean to us
Ashley - yeah we love you Christina
Riley and Lucas - we always have we always will

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool
FanfictionRiley and Lucas have been friends since preschool they've never had feelings for each other but what happens when one kiss changes everything