when the wind blows part 2 chapter 42

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At the Cemetery

Lucas - Riley

Riley - I can do it Lucas

Lucas - I'm right here

Ashley - mommy

Riley feels tears hits her face

Riley - mommy's OK Ashley I promise OK

Ashley - OK

Riley and Lucas look at their daughter's grave she was going to be named Christina Daisy Friar

Riley and Lucas - happy birthday baby girl we love you forever

Riley Lucas and Ashley sit on the ground next to her grave

Ashley - Christina I know you can't take care of mommy and daddy but I promise you I will don't worry big sister OK I love you Christina 

The winds blows  they know what that means and the leaves just blow all around in the wind and a red leaf lands on Riley and Lucas they look at it

Riley - we have this one little life and for a lot of it we just blow around in the wind but if we're lucky and we believe that life knows what's best for you sometimes we land on the right someone to talk to

Zay Maya Smackle Farkle - happy birthday Christina

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy - we will always love you beautiful angel

Auggie - rest in peace my beautiful niece

The winds moves over all of them again 

Ashley - she's happy

Auggie - yeah She knows we're all here and we didn't forget about her even if we didn't get to meet her

Ashley - yeah

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy - that's right Ashley she's happy 

Zay Maya Smackle Farkle - Riley Lucas

Riley and Lucas's eyes are closed 

Chris and Daisy - guys let's go to the car OK

Maya Zay Smackle Farkle - OK

Auggie - come here Ashley 

Auggie picks up Ashley  taking her to the car

Ashley - mommy and daddy are OK right

Auggie - yes ash it's OK they are just with you're big sister

Ashley - she's not ready for them to leave is she uncle Auggie

Auggie - No not yet sweetheart

Ashley - it's OK

In the car

Cory and Topanga - do they need us

Auggie - No they are good for now

Chris and Daisy - OK

Zay Maya Smackle Farkle - we let them be with her today

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