his decision chapter 32

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At Topanga's Riley feels hands over her eyes

Lucas - guess who

Riley - if it's Charlie I will hit you

Lucas - not funny

Riley - hi my Friar I knew it was you

Lucas - good and good to know you would hit Charlie

Riley - yeah

He sits down she kisses him

Lucas - I was thinking

Riley - about what friar

Lucas - going to see my parents

Riley - you ready to do that

Lucas - yeah I am Riley

Riley - OK when

Lucas - later today

Riley - OK I'm in

Lucas - thank you

She founds her way to his lap

Lucas - hi baby

Maya - you two seriously need a room

Riley - peaches

Maya - honey

Riley - you and the boys are back

Zay and Farkle - we are

Lucas - hey

They hug tightly

Maya and Zay and Farkle - how are you two

Riley and Lucas - good

Maya and Zay and Farkle - that's amazing

The friends sit around in Topanga's laughing talking enjoying each other company

Riley and Lucas - shit

Maya Zay and Farkle - what

Riley and Lucas - we gotta go

And they leave Topanga's  to see his parents

Lucas's parents house he knocks on the door

Chris and Daisy - Lucas Riley  hi

Riley and Lucas - hi

Chris  and Daisy  - come on in

They come in and everything is quite and a little awkward at first but then Chris and Daisy speak

Chris and Daisy - we realize that we over reacted and we are sorry for that we never meant for it to happen not like that we love both of you so much and we know that it took a lot for you both to be here we know that you haven't talk to us about the baby and losing it but Topanga told us we hope you don't mind and we are so sorry that you lost the baby

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now