Bitten Bitten Bitten part 1 chapter 9

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Riley - rivers flow so big so cold that sometimes it makes you feel Blod

Topanga - honey that was beautiful 

Riley - thanks

Topanga - you're welcome honey what's it about

Riley - it's just writing a little

Topanga - OK

Riley - hey mom

Topanga - yeah honey

Riley - what does loving I mean  really loving a boy feel like

Topanga - why Riley do you love a boy by the name of Lucas Friar

Riley - mom

Topanga - do you

Riley - I've  known him forever so I'd like to think I love him

Topanga - but in what way do you love Lucas

Riley - OK mom when I met Lucas I didn't know we be friends so long so I've always loved him like a bestfriend

Topanga - I know but is there more on top of that now

Riley - clouded judgement is on top of it now

Topanga - why

Riley - because there was a kiss and a almost kiss too

Topanga - oh a almost kiss huh

Riley - yeah

Riley gets a text From miles

Miles's text - Topanga's later

Riley's text - sure Miles see you there

Topanga - Lucas

Riley - No it's miles

Topanga - oh

Riley - we're meeting at two we're meeting at Topanga's

Topanga - OK

Riley - mom you've never met Miles

Topanga - I just think that you should be with Lucas

Riley - I know so does he later

Topanga - yeah later

She leaves to meet miles

Topanga - Riley Lucas I know you love each other

At Topanga's

Miles - there you are Riley

Riley - here I am

Miles - I asked you to come here because I like you I have for some time now Riley and I thought you should know already

Riley - wow wow wow miles I

Miles - you don't feel the same way

Riley - No it's not that see I'm not really dating right now and I have a lot happening right now miles

Miles - maybe when time is right we can maybe

Riley - you know what would you excuse me for a minute

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