princess princess Riley part 2

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Lucas - Riley and I are at the hospital again she's nervous I am to if I'm being completely honest

The doctor - Riley Lucas come with me please

Riley and Lucas - OK

Cory and Topanga - we're sure there's nothing wrong

Auggie - what if it is something wrong

Cory and Topanga - we can't think like that Auggie

Auggie - OK

The doctor - Riley Lucas

Riley and Lucas - yes is everything OK She was supposed to come

The doctor - I'm sure she's fine let's see

They check out the baby

Riley and Lucas - so

The doctor - I don't hear a heartbeat

Riley and Lucas - what  No there  has to be a heartbeat

The doctor - I'm so sorry

All they can do is cry

Riley - what did I do wrong

The doctor - you didn't do anything wrong really this isn't your fault sometimes things just can't be explained you may never know why this happened but what I do know something else you should know too is that you can always have another baby it's going to be hard and you're going to need each other I have seen it so many times you have each other you can get through anything and you can always have another baby

Lucas - Riley I never want you to think that this is your fault not your fault

He hugs her

Riley - I'm sorry we couldn't have her baby sorry we lost her

Lucas - me too I don't think it's over for us Riley

Riley - what if I can never give you babies again

Lucas - I know you will I believe in you just like you believe in me

They come out of the doctors office wiping tears away trying to hold back their pain the best way they can

Cory and Topanga - what happened what happened

Riley and Lucas - the baby she's gone we lost her the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat we really wanted the baby

Cory and Topanga - we are so sorry

Auggie - I'm sorry Riley I'm sorry Lucas

They hug them did nothing but tears stream down their faces

Riley and Lucas - sorry you couldn't  be ours really sorry

That was one of the hardest things I've ever written in a book especially for rucas I'm going to try not to cry but I might

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now