Chapter 1

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Many Moons Later

Featherstream lay crumpled at Graystripe's side, her cries echoing throughout the camp. Her wails were heart-shattering. Everyone's eyes turned to her and in no time Stormblaze was at Featherstream's side. There was so much blood; it shone like a crimson lake underneath the moon's light.

Hopeflame took a small step forward, and then another. She soon stood alongside Stormblaze and looked down upon Graystripe. His long gray fur was matted with dried blood and there was so much that she couldn't see where it had come from. Her throat clenched tightly as she struggled not to wail in despair.

"No, father!" Featherstream screeched, her eyes filled with distress. "There was so much I wanted to tell you! Please don't go! I need you!"

Hopeflame shared a glance with Stormblaze and she saw that he was distraught. His amber eyes were heavy with grief and he was shaking. She moved closer so that her fur brushed against his in an attempt to comfort him. Her head lowered in sorrow and she looked into Graystripe's eyes. He was fading fast.

"I'm going to tell them, Graystripe." Hopeflame whispered to him. "I'm going to tell them the truth. They won't be alone."

Stormblaze frowned and studied her in confusion. "Tell us what?"

Before she could reply, the crowd parted and Hopeflame sighed in relief to see Sandstorm and Owlgaze. Hopeflame tried to hold it together, but at the sight of her mother, she couldn't. Her shoulders shook with sobs and Sandstorm immediately moved closer to comfort her daughter.

The aftermath of the battle shook the forest. Throughout the camp, the bodies of the fallen were discovered. The camp was filled with screams and crying as queens found their mates slaughtered, cats cried for their dead kin. This was the kind of screaming that sent chills down a cat's spine, the kind that took the heart ransom.

Hopeflame leaned into her mother's shoulder and sobbed. This was her fault. This was all her fault! She could've decided to stay loyal to RiverClan and maybe Graystripe wouldn't be dying! In that moment, Hopeflame decided that she hated Tigerstar for what he's done to her.

What he made her do.

"He's gone," Stormblaze suddenly announced solemnly.

Featherstream's wails echoed off of the trees and tore into the hearts of all onlookers. Stormblaze lowered his head and suffered silently while he attempted to comfort his sister. The crowd parted and Tigerstar was standing there in his dark glory.

Hopeflame pulled away from Sandstorm and stood at attention. Tigerstsr narrowed his amber eyes at the sight before him. "What's going on?"

No words came from her mouth. Hopeflame didn't know what to say. Did she lie or tell the truth? Either way, the truth had to come out. She decided that she's had enough lying.

"Graystripe...he was my father, too." Hopeflame finally admitted. Speaking those words out loud lifted a heavy weight off of her shoulders.

Stormblaze's amber eyes glazed over in shock. He stared at her as if she had two heads. Featherstream's jaw lay agape and her eyes turned to Owlgaze, the father of her kits. Her half-brother.

Shocked whispers and uproar broke out from the two newly united clans. Hopeflame heard the TigerClan cats calling for the blood of Graystripe's kin. She flinched away from them, the cats that she had only just fought alongside. Could one name really change the way they saw her?

"Silence!" Tigerstar ordered, his voice booming across the camp. He turned angrily towards Sandstorm. "Is this true? Did you take Graystripe as your mate?"

Sandstorm lowered her head shamefully. "It's true."

While the clan argued, Hopeflame moved closer to Owlgaze. She felt safe in the crook of her brother's body. Stormblaze and Featherstream wouldn't stop staring at her. She just wanted them to look away.

Suddenly, Brambleclaw was there, standing beside Tigerstar. He couldn't take his eyes off of her and Hopeflame couldn't tell if he hated her. She peeled away from Owlgaze and Sandstorm to stand in front of Brambleclaw.

Without warning, Brambleclaw licked her forehead and wrapped her in his embrace. Her head rested on his chest as his head laid atop her head. They stayed like that with the entire clan watching them.

"We'll talk later," Brambeclaw promised.

Tigerstar cleared his throat. "TigerClan's camp is now based at Fourtrees. We move there in the morning. Whitestorm, Blackfoot, Longtail, Mousefur, Fawnstep, and Dawncloud will guard the camp tonight." Really, he meant that they would guard RiverClan.

Cats started to make their nests all over the camp. The RiverClan warriors returned to their regular nests and Hopeflame noticed that they banded closer together. The apprentices joined them in there, too. There became a clear line between RiverClan and TigerClan. Hopeflame didn't know where she belonged.

Featherstream and Stormblaze settled beside Graystripe as they stood vigil for him. Hopeflame watched, desperately wanting to join them. Owlgaze appeared at her side, watching them, too.

"How long have you known?" Owlgaze suddenly asked her.

"Ever since I came to RiverClan," Hopeflame admitted. "Graystripe told me, but Stormblaze and Featherstream never knew."

Owlgaze lowered his head. "That's why you didn't want Featherstream and I to be together, isn't it? You were trying to save us from making a grave mistake."

The russet she-cat nodded, "I didn't want to tell anyone because I feared that Tigerstar would kill us all. He still might."

Owlgaze took a deep breath. "Well, Featherstream is expecting my kits. Knowing this doesn't change that. And now Tigerstar knows, the whole clan knows, so what's holding you back?"

Hopeflame swallowed and her eyes found Stormblaze. "Tigerstar made me seduce Stormblaze. I'm afraid that he'll think I betrayed him and not see the reasons."

"I'm sure he'll come around." Owlgaze suddenly chuckled out of no where. "Wow, I have a brother."

Hopeflame smiled despite the circumstances. "You always wanted a brother. Let's join them."

She stood up and slowly approached Stormblaze and Featherstream. "May we join you?" Hopeflame whispered meekly. They had every reason to turn them away, especially her.

Stormblaze opened his mouth but Featherstream answered before he could. "Of course, after all, I guess we're family now." Featherstream turned back to Graystripe who now lay cleaned off thanks to them.

Hopeflame settled beside Featherstream and Owlgaze. She took the time to remember every memory she's shared with Graystripe. From the first time they met to him teaching her to swim and fish.

"Hopeflame?" Brambleclaw's voice caused her to glance over her shoulder. "Can we talk?"

She hesitated but eventually stood up. Hopeflame padded after Brambleclaw and he led her to the edge of camp where they could talk in private. He settled down in front of her and Hopeflame studied him.

"I don't care that your father was Graystripe," Brambleclaw suddenly blurted out. "I love you, Hopeflame, and none of that matters."

Hopeflame stared up at him, silhouetted against the moon. His amber eyes were soft and warm, reminding her of the sun. She found herself scooting closer to him. "I love you, too, Brambleclaw."

"Do you remember that promise I made to you when we were both apprentices?" Brambleclaw asked and he didn't wait for an answer. "I meant that. You're going to be my deputy and my mate. I want kits with you, Hopeflame."

She purred softly at hearing these words. "Soon," She promised him, "After all this calms down."

Brambleclaw nosed her cheek and twined his tail with hers. Every touch sent shivers down Hopeflame's spine. After a few moments, she returned to keep vigil over Graystripe. With the moon suspended over them, it was easy for Hopeflame to daydream of better times.

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