Chapter 15

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Hopeflame walked alongside Skybreeze. In front of them was Webfoot, Breezetail, Onewhisker, and Eaglepaw. They were out on patrol, and Hopeflame noticed how they were making their patrols bigger. WindClan feared TigerClan more than they would admit. She felt bad for them, but at the same time she knew it was necessary.

The patrol moved at a brisk pace, walking along the TigerClan border. Hopeflame kept glancing into the forest, half-hoping to see Sandstorm. She needed to talk with her mother. How many other lies has she told or kept from them? All the lies were piling up and sooner or later, they would spill.

Wind whistled in the trees, carrying colorful leaves from their branches to lay them softly on the ground. The tree branches were mostly bare and every morning frost clung to the grass. They could see their breath whenever they spoke and Hopeflame was grateful for her thick pelt. Leaf-bare wasn't far off.

Amongst the trees, Hopeflame noticed a flicker of motion. The WindClan cats stopped and faced the border. She stood with them, curious to see how this would play out. From the undergrowth stepped Blackfoot, Fawnstep, Longtail, Briarnose, Thornclaw, Tawnypelt, and Dewpaw. Hopeflame watched in horror as the WindClan cats sprang forward, setting off the TigerClan cats.

Webfoot lunged for Blackfoot, teeth bared. The two toms were locked in a deadly battle. Breezetail went for Fawnstep, Longtail and Briarnose tackled Onewhisker, and Skybreeze bravely lunged at Tawnypelt. Hopeflame was faced with Thornclaw and Dewpaw.

"Stay behind me Dewpaw," Thornclaw ordered. He circled with Hopeflame. Time to put on a good show. Thornclaw lunged first, and Hopeflame dodged him. Wow, spending time in WindClan has definitely quickened her reflexes!

She rolled onto the ground and landed with all four paws beneath her. Hopeflame realized, for the first time, what a great advantage she had over any opponent in battle. Her time in both RiverClan and WindClan has allowed her to adopt their battle styles. Combined with the already integrated talents of TigerClan and ShadowClan, she was nearly unstoppable. The ultimate warrior.

Hopeflame went at Thornclaw, her former mentor, and tackled him. They rolled together, locked in a clawing mess. It was necessary for them to fight with claws unsheathed otherwise it would give away her cover. She pinned Thornclaw surprisingly and clawed him across the face. He kicked out at her belly and sent her flying.

She landed on her paws, but barely. Thornclaw wasn't going to give in so easily. Suddenly, Webfoot yowled above the din: "Retreat WindClan! Retreat!"

Hopeflame pulled herself away from Thornclaw and followed the WindClan cats over the moors. She hated running, it made her feel like a coward. But what did she have to face? Their blows had been orchestrated, practiced. There had been no point to that border skirmish.

The patrol returned to camp with their pride battered except for Hopeflame. She only acted like it was. Tallstar appeared from his den, shocked at the sight before him.

"Webfoot, what happened?" Tallstar demanded an answer. The rest of WindClan gathered around.

The dark gray tabby tom sighed. "We got into a border skirmish with TigerClan. They put up a good fight and we were outnumbered. We were forced to retreat."

Alarmed whispers filled the camp as WindClan spoke out their fears. "What are we going to do, Tallstar?" It was Mudclaw to speak. "They outnumber us!"

"We need to prepare!" Breezetail growled, her tail lashing.

Tallstar nodded, "I agree. From now on, most of our energy will be spent on battle training. Only a select few cats will spend their time hunting to keep up strength. Those cats will be Ashfoot, Tawnyfur, and Gorsefur. Everyone learns to fight, even kits." His sad amber gaze fell on Runningbrook who pulled her kits closer to her. "If this is our last stand, then we need to give it all we've got. Tigerstar won't wait much longer."

Not much longer at all, Hopeflame thought to herself.

"I'm sending Deadfoot, Tornear, and Hopeflame to reach out to Barley's family. We need all the warriors we can get." Tallstar demanded. "Starting tomorrow, WindClan prepares for war."

All the voices of WindClan rose up in one, deafening cheer. "WindClan! WindClan!" Hopeflame joined in, although she felt their efforts were to no avail. TigerClan would come from the forest like a dark tidal wave and wash the moors with WindClan blood. These were dead cats walking.

Deadfoot approached Hopeflame and gave her a nod. "First thing tomorrow morning, we head to Barley's farm. Tallstar wants them here in the camp."

Hopeflame dipped her head respectively to the WindClan deputy. "Of course." She didn't know why Tallstar sent her, but it didn't matter. Tomorrow she would talk Barley's family into walking into a bloodbath whether she wanted to or not.


This is a shorter chapter, but oh well. Please vote/comment!

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