Chapter 20

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"Stormblaze!" Hopeflame wailed. She dug her claws into the dirt and released her screams to StarClan. In that moment, she wished with all of her being that there was a StarClan so that Stormblaze could be with Graystripe. Her cries were lost in the overpowering sound of battle.

"Hopeflame!" Brambleclaw suddenly appeared from the crowd, blood staining his tabby pelt. His eyes widened at the sight of Stormblaze. "What happened?" Hopeflame couldn't find the words. The pain was too unbearable. "Hopeflame!" Brambleclaw shook her, his amber eyes filled with concern.

"What do you think happened?!" Hopeflame hissed. "We're at the center of a war as slaves to a dark tyrant!"

Brambleclaw glanced around worriedly. "Don't let Tigerstar hear you say that."

"I don't care anymore!" Hopeflame screeched.

"Well, I do." Brambleclaw embraced her as the battle raged on around them. For a moment, Hopeflame let down her walls and gave in to everything she's been running from. "Come on, we've got to still find Tallstar."

Just then, Tigerstar's dark form appeared and his voice rang out across the clearing. "Submit WindClan! You've lost this battle!"

Hopeflame's green eyes surveyed the clearing to see that nearly every WindClan cat was pinned underneath the merciless claws of TigerClan warriors. They eventually stopped struggling, leaving Hopeflame to realize that it was over.

TigerClan won.

With a sudden panic, Hopeflame looked around for Free. If he was dead she didn't think she could go on. She found her brother in Sandstorm's careful grasp. The pale ginger she-cat was whispering something in his ear.

"WindClan cats, submit and join TigerClan. All blood relations can be forgotten. Together, we are stronger." Tigerstar's voice reverberated throughout the clearing. His amber eyes reflected the pale sunlight of dawn. "No more border skirmishes, no more competing for food...we'll be unstoppable."

"WindClan will never be a part of TigerClan!" Tallstar shouted from underneath Longtail's claws.

Tigerstar narrowed his eyes and purposefully approached the fallen WindClan leader. "You're only causing more pain for yourself and your clanmates." He looked around and noticed the other loners. His gaze locked on Ravenpaw and fires burned in his eyes. "'re alive."

"I passed on your secret Tigerstar!" Ravenpaw spit with rage. "Killing me won't bury the truth!"

"Take him prisoner. All the loners and Tallstar, too." Tigerstar growled. He proceeded to address the entire clearing. "Anyone else care to join them?" No one spoke, but Hopeflame itched to reveal the treasonous acts of Stonefur and the other RiverClan cats.

Tigerstar continued while everyone looked on either in fear or awe. "The first step in uniting the clans is to annihilate anyone who possesses treasonous thoughts."

He motioned Blackfoot, Longtail, Russetfur, Dustpelt, and Tawnypelt to bring forth anyone that Tigerstar deemed a traitor. He stood atop the place where WindClan called meetings with Brambleclaw sitting at the base. Everyone cleared a space for the accused to stand while the strongest TigerClan warriors stood guard at the edges of the clearing. Blackfoot dragged forth Tallstar while the WindClan leader struggled and hissed.

"Hopeflame," Tigerstar called her forward and she obeyed. The crowd parted for her and she heard murmuring from some cats. "This young warrior has dedicated much to the cause of uniting the clans. To show my gratitude, I will allow her to be the one to take Tallstar's lives."

Some outright gasped but others stayed silent. The WindClan cats shouted and had to be held back by a wall of TigerClan cats. Hopeflame closed her eyes for a moment before approaching Tallstar. The black and white tom glared at her as if he was trying to maintain his dignity.

Hopeflame glanced up at Tigerstar who was watching her in curiosity. This was another test. He still didn't trust her after all she's done. That's when she realized for the first time that he would never trust her. He didn't trust anybody. What a sad existence he must live.

In the blink of any eye, Hopeflame slashed Tallstar's throat. Her claws dripped with blood that fell onto the pristine snow. Each droplet left its mark. The former WindClan leader stumbled and choked on his own blood. His body started to convulse leaving Hopeflame to conclude that he was losing a life. For a heartbeat his body was entirely still, then he breathed again.

Hopeflame wasted no time in tearing at his throat a second time. Her mind was oblivious to what she was doing. After the battle her heart felt numb. She wondered if she would ever feel again. Tallstar fell, dead, for the entire clan to see.

"Tomorrow all the prisoners will be executed." Tigerstar meowed coolly. "This includes Ravenpaw, Barley and his family, Deadfoot, Stonefur, Loudbelly, and Blackclaw."

Hopeflame frowned. How did Tigerstar know that they attacked her? Suddenly, Brambleclaw was at her side. "I told him what happened. I couldn't let them get away with hurting you."

She didn't say anything, merely scanned the clearing for the dead. There was Frostfur, Cedartail, Ashfoot, and Stormblaze... That reminded Hopeflame to find Free. She couldn't allow him to be executed tomorrow.

With ease she slipped through the crowd and saw Free being dragged towards one of the dens by Blackfoot and Jaggedtooth. Her heart started racing and she searched for Sandstorm. She found her mother whispering with Owlgaze on the other side of the clearing.

"Mother, we cannot allow Tigerstar to execute Free," Hopeflame whispered urgently.

Owlgaze seemed confused. "Who's Free?"

Hopeflame looked pointedly at Sandstorm. "Why don't you tell him, Mother?"

Sandstorm flattened her ears. "He's...he's your brother."

Owlgaze's jaw dropped in shock. "I have another brother? A real, full-blooded brother?!"

Sandstorm slowly nodded. "I had to send him away because he looks too much like Graystripe." Then she glanced at Hopeflame. "I won't let Tigerstar kill him. I promise."

Hopeflame stared at her mother, unsure if she believed her. "How do I know this isn't just another lie?"

"Because I'll always protect my kits," Sandstorm answered confidently. "Trust that."

"Stormblaze is dead," Hopeflame murmured sadly. "H-He saved my life..."

Sandstorm and Owlgaze became silent. Then Owlgaze gasped. "Who's going to tell Featherstream?!"

Hopeflame didn't say anything. After the battle she was tired and numb. It seemed like tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

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