Chapter 22

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"I name these cats guilty of treason," Tigerstar's voice filled the entire WindClan camp. TigerClan cats lined the edges of the camp with WindClan and the prisoners at the center. Hopeflame sat beside Brambleclaw at the base of the rock where Tigerstar sat. "Stonefur, Blackclaw, Loudbelly, and Ravenpaw: you have gone against TigerClan and therefore shall be put to death."

Uproar came from the former RiverClan cats. They all argued against the treasonous acts of their clanmates, but Hopeflame knew the truth. Stonefur, Blackclaw, and Loudbelly had tried to kill her. If it wasn't for Stormblaze, she would be dead right now.

"Silence!" Tigerstar hissed.

"Its her fault!" Cried a few RiverClan cats as the motioned at her. "It's all her fault!"

Brambleclaw stood up to shield her from their verbal attacks. Blackfoot led the charge for the TigerClan cats to shut them down. A few scratches was all it took for the RiverClan cats to quiet themselves. They didn't want to suffer the same fate. Hopeflame buried her face in Brambleclaw's chest.

"Stormblaze, a very brave warrior, sacrificed his life for his clanmate." Tigerstar bowed his head for a moment. "He proved his loyalty to TigerClan with his last breath."

No, he just couldn't let them kill me, Hopeflame thought to herself. He was never a TigerClan cat.

"And in his honor, I would like for Hopeflame, Owlgaze, and Sandstorm to be the ones to execute Stonefur, Loudbelly, and Blackclaw." Tigerstar's words chilled Hopeflame to the bone. Hasn't she proven herself to him time and time again?

Hopeflame stepped forward from the crowd of TigerClan cats with Owlgaze and Sandstorm following her example. Sandstorm wore a stoic expression but didn't say anything. They lined up to face the cats they would be executing. Hopeflame found herself in front of Stonefur.

The gray tom had been so kind to her when she was a part of RiverClan. He treated her like an equal. She didn't blame that he wanted to kill her. She deserved it.

On Tigerstar's command, the three of them fell on the traitors. Stonefur didn't even try to fight back. He merely lifted his chin which made it easier for her to tear into his throat. Hopeflame backed off and watched his body convulse as blood poured from his throat. Why wouldn't he fight back? What was he trying to accomplish?

She noticed that it was the same with Blackclaw and Loudbelly, both of whom were now dead. Their blood pooled together at the center of the WindClan camp. The morbid sight made Hopeflame sick. She thought that she would be used to death by now.

"I will execute Ravenpaw," Tigerstar announced. He faced the small black tom with rage in his amber eyes. Ravenpaw was pinned down by Tigerstar's long, glinting claws. In one moment it was all over. When Tigerstar raised his head, Ravenpaw's blood dripped down his chin.

Sandstorm's mouth opened in a silent scream and Hopeflame moved closer to comfort her. Ravenpaw had been her friend. It made Hopeflame realize that she was the last cat who knew the truth about Tigerstar's treachery and how far back it really went.

"Barley, Sunny, and Rosie, you are exiled from TigerClan's territory." Tigerstar announced coolly. "If you set one paw here, your entire family will be destroyed." Then he turned his gaze to Free who sat in between Blackfoot and Whitestorm. "As for are now a cat of TigerClan. One misstep and you'll be executed." Free nodded his head curtly but Hopeflame saw the fear in his eyes. What has she done?

"Now, TigerClan, we are united finally!" Tigerstar yowled to the skies and every cat joined in. Well, almost. Hopeflame couldn't bring herself to cheer. "Let us return to Fourtrees."

Every cat followed Tigerstar like shadows. Hopeflame found herself at Brambleclaw's side, but she was silent. She couldn't bring herself to speak. What would happen when she told Featherstream about Stormblaze's death?

"It'll be alright, Hopeflame." Brambleclaw murmured to her. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know," She replied quietly.

But it wasn't herself she was worried about.

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