Chapter 21

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Dawn came the next day and Hopeflame stirred at Brambleclaw's side. Last night, Tigerstar had ordered that all traitors be kept in a separate area of the camp under strict guard. They still remained in the WindClan camp, but the plan was to return to Fourtrees today.

"Hopeflame?" Brambleclaw nosed her cheek, causing her to lift her eyes to him. "Are you okay?"

"No." She answered plainly. Her heart still felt numb after the death of Stormblaze. Not only had he been her kin, but he was her friend. Even though they had argued about her leaving for WindClan, he still loved her. He died for her. "I need to talk to Tigerstar."

Brambleclaw frowned with confusion. "Why? What's done is done. You don't have to worry anymore."

She stood up silently, her green eyes scanning the overflowing warriors den. "I need to bargain for my brother's freedom."

Brambleclaw jumped to his paws. "Owlgaze has been named a traitor?!"

Hopeflame shook her head quickly. "No, I have another brother. He fought alongside the WindClan cats."

Realization filled Brambleclaw's amber eyes. "I'll come with you."

Together, they emerged from the warriors den. The snow beneath their paws was almost entirely stained red with blood. Hopeflame saw a few warriors lining up the bodies of the dead at the edge of the clearing. The sight almost made Hopeflame sick.

They approached the leaders den where they found Tigerstar sitting at the entrance. "Brambleclaw, Hopeflame...good morning."

Brambleclaw moved closer to her so that their pelts brushed. Hopeflame heaved a great breath before looking Tigerstar in the eye. "Tigerstar, you must know that I am completely loyal to TigerClan. I've sacrificed more than anyone else for the cause of unifying the clans."

Tigerstar nodded his large head. "Yes, no cat can ignore that."

"Then...I would like to ask one favor." Hopeflame tried to keep her voice from shaking and she lifted her head. "I bargain for the freedom of one of the prisoners."

Fury flared in Tigerstar's amber eyes. "How dare you?! Those prisoners would see the fall of TigerClan!"

"Please!" Hopeflame begged. "His name is Free and he has clan blood. He's my brother, Sandstorm's son! He was raised a loner and doesn't understand clan customs. If you release him, I promise to convert him into a fully-functioning TigerClan cat."

Tigerstar narrowed his eyes at her in disbelief. "Sandstorm had another son?"

Hopeflame nodded slowly. "She sent him away because otherwise the clan would know the true circumstances of our birth. He's the spitting image of Graystripe."

"And why would I risk freeing a cat who's loyalties would most surely be twisted?" Tigerstar quizzed her, but at least it showed he was considering it.

"Let me talk to him." Hopeflame asked respectfully. "Please. I've never asked for anything, Tigerstar."

Tigerstar was silent as if he were considering it. Brambleclaw glanced at her before stepping forward himself. "I'm sure once he learns the truth about his birth that he'll discover where his true loyalties lie."

Hopeflame stared at Tigerstar in desperation. She couldn't bare the thought of losing yet another brother. The pain of Stormblaze's death would haunt her for moons to come. Free deserved to meet their family like she promised.

"You may speak with him." Tigerstar stood and led the way across the clearing to the former elders den where the prisoners were being kept. Blackfoot, Whitestorm, and Russetfur were keeping guard. "Bring out the gray loner."

Whitestorm disappeared inside and returned with Free at his side. Free's green eyes locked on hers and she saw rage brewing there. It made Hopeflame feel sick to know that she's betrayed another cat that she cared about.

"Hopeflame here has bargained your freedom," Tigerstar growled at Free. "If you can swear your loyalty, then you'll be trained as a TigerClan warrior."

Hopeflame met his gaze in a pleading manner. Free approached her stiffly and the TigerClan cats parted for him. She led him a little ways away so they could speak somewhat privately.

"What are you doing with these TigerClan cats, Hopeflame?" Free demanded. "Was all of this a game to you? Do you always bargain the lives of your loved ones?"

"None of this is a game to me," Hopeflame growled. "I've spent most of my life trying to protect the ones I love. And now I'm trying to protect you." She let out a sigh and looked back up at him. "Listen to me, Tigerstar will kill you. The only way for you to live is for me to promise your loyalty."

"You shouldn't be making such promises." Free snarled, "What about my family, huh? Barley, Ravenpaw? Sunny and Rosie? They're going to be killed too!"

"But they're loners!" Hopeflame argued. "Tigerstar will never let them survive. But've got TigerClan blood. There's hope for you to survive this."

"Maybe I'd rather perish with my family," Free growled. "My real family."

"You have a real family!" Hopeflame muttered under her breath. "You've got a mother, a brother, and two sisters besides me. They deserve to know you."

Something like understanding filled Free's green irises. All sign of hostility disappeared. "I understand that, Hopeflame. But I can't stand by and watch my family be murdered."

"I wish that I could save all of you...but I can't." Hopeflame murmured, her eyes downcast. "Please, Free. I'm begging you. I've watched too many die already."

"I'd rather die than live under a malicious leader." Free responded bluntly.

Hopeflame's pelt prickled and she looked up at him suddenly. "Things might change, Free. Brambleclaw, the deputy, is a better cat than his father. In a few seasons, TigerClan could be honorable again."

"Why do you have so much faith in him?" Free wondered.

She glanced in Brambleclaw's direction to find him already staring at her. Tigerstar, Blackfoot, and Whitestorm were conversing quietly beside him. His warm amber eyes reminded her of the sun, filled with so much warmth and life.

Hopeflame met Free's gaze once more with unfaltering certainty. "Because I love him."

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