Chapter 30

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Inside the healer den, away from the clan's prying eyes, Hopeflame could think clearly. Barkface was seeing to Free's wounds while Runningnose cared for Jaggedtooth. Hopeflame saw that Free was missing clumps of fur and he had blood dripping from his face. Jaggedtooth looked pretty torn up too.

Mapleheart turned Hopeflame's head away with her tail. "Don't focus on them. Where did you get clawed?" She had a deep focus in her eyes that Hopeflame marveled. How had Mapleheart, her once sickly sister, grown into such a confident she-cat?

"On my shoulder, maybe my stomach." Hopeflame answered.

While Mapleheart started chewing up a poultice, Hopeflame glanced back at Free. Barkface was cleaning the blood from his face with some wet moss. She imagined Tigerstar barging into the den at any moment to drag Free off for execution. That couldn't happen, she wouldn't allow it.

She refused to lose another brother.

Suddenly, her wounds stung causing Hopeflame to flinch. "Sorry, it might hurt for a little bit." Mapleheart mewed. She dabbed more of the sticky green poultice onto Hopeflame's wounds. After a while, the herbs caused a cooling sensation. "There, that should do it."

Mapleheart took more of the poultice and applied it to the rest of her wounds, one being on her stomach. Hopeflame flattened her ears in discomfort until the soothing effects kicked in. She laid her head down on the moss, clearly exhausted.

Hopeflame watched both Jaggedtooth and Free leave the den with their wounds patched up with cobwebs. Runningnose and Barkface also left the den, probably to go find Tigerstar. She started to get up to go after them, but Mapleheart placed a strong paw on her shoulder to prevent her from it.

Confused, Hopeflame looked up at her sister. "What?"

Mapleheart's green eyes were shining for whatever reason. "Does Brambleclaw know?"

Thoroughly confused, Hopeflame frowned. "Know what?" She sat up and stared her sister in the eye. What was up with her?

"Hopeflame," Mapleheart's voice rose with excitement. "You're pregnant."

At first, Hopeflame didn't comprehend what her sister said. She simply stared at her with a blank expression. Pregnant? It started to sink in and Hopeflame started to feel a little wobbly.

"I-I'm pregnant?" Hopeflame's voice shook.

Mapleheart nodded. "You're going to have kits! Does Brambleclaw know? They are his, right?"

Hopeflame's mind flew back to that one night...that one wonderful night they spent together in the forest. Kits. Her and Brambleclaw were having kits! She felt overwhelmed, so she laid back down.

"Yes, they're his." Hopeflame smiled to herself. "I'm having kits..."

"Yes, well, you should probably let him know," Mapleheart giggled. She started putting away her supplies and tidying up the healer den.

Hopeflame couldn't move. After everything she's been through, every test Tigerstar's given her, she could finally get what she wanted. She could have a life with Brambleclaw, a family. These kits were proof of that.

With sudden urgency, Hopeflame jumped to her paws. "I have to tell Brambleclaw!" She left the den in a hurry and almost collided with Barkface. "Sorry!"

Her eyes scanned the clearing, but she didn't see him anywhere. Was he still out on patrol?! Suddenly, there was motion at the camp entrance. Brambleclaw entered with Leopardfur, Longtail, Dawncloud, Ravenflight, and Pinepaw. His amber eyes immediately found her and he hurried to her side.

"I heard that you were hurt so I ran back as quick as I could. Are you okay?" Brambleclaw rambled on and on about nonsense things which only amused Hopeflame.

"Brambleclaw, I'm fine," She assured him with a giggle.

He stared at her in confusion. "But Runningnose said that you got in the middle of a fight with Jaggedtooth and Free? I ought to talk to those two..." Brambleclaw started to walk off angrily, but Hopeflame blocked his path.

"It can wait," Hopeflame promised him. "Do you want to go into our den to talk? There's something I need to tell you."

Brambleclaw narrowed his eyes. "Did Tigerstar say something to you?"

Hopeflame snorted and rolled her eyes. "I don't care what Tigerstar says. Now come on."

She led the way into their den with Brambleclaw right behind her. The den was cozy and offered some privacy from the rest of the clan. They sat down in their nests facing each other. Hopeflame could see the worry on Brambleclaw's face.

"Well, what is it?"

Hopeflame smiled cheekily at him. "Well, do you remember that night we spent together in the forest?"

Brambleclaw chuckled and moved closer so that their fur was brushing. "Of course, how could I ever forget?"

She twined her tail with his, enjoying their closeness. "And you remember how we slept underneath the stars?"

"Yes," Brambleclaw replied softly.

"Well," Hopeflame withdrew her tail to curl it protectively around her stomach. "I'm expecting kits."

Almost immediately, Brambleclaw's amber eyes lit up. His jaw dropped and he stared at her in awe. "Kits? Really?"

Hopeflame purred. "Yes, really."

Brambleclaw embraced her so that his chin rested atop her head. She curled in closer against his chest so that she could hear his heartbeat. It was racing faster than the river. They stayed like that for what felt like a lifetime. Then, Brambleclaw spoke: "I'm going to be a father..."

"And I a mother," Hopeflame murmured. "This is everything we've ever wanted."

"Every day, Hopeflame, I look at you and wonder how I could ever deserve you." His eyes were locked with hers. They held such an intensity that Hopeflame couldn't look away. "And now you're going to be the mother of my kits...I couldn't imagine anything better."

Hopeflame rubbed her head beneath his chin, purring. "I love you, Brambleclaw."

"I love you, too, Hopeflame," Brambleclaw purred. "And I always will."

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