Chapter 24

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Hopeflame stumbled back to camp with an aching heart. She couldn't blame Featherstream for the things she said. That didn't mean that it hurt any less. Despite everything that's happened, all the tragedies that have shaped them, Hopeflame hoped that she and Featherstream could remain friends. Clearly that wasn't going to happen.

Most of TigerClan had retired to their dens. Only a few remained out in the clearing, one of them being Brambleclaw. The dark tabby tom approached Hopeflame the moment she appeared at the entrance. He enveloped her in his embrace, the only place that she felt safe anymore.

"It's not your fault, Hopeflame." Brambleclaw assured her quietly. "You were just following orders. In a few moons, everyone will forget."

"I never will," Hopeflame admitted sadly. Her sorrowful heart was heavy with grief. She felt that she would never forget the faces of those she betrayed.

Brambleclaw lifted her chin with his paw so that she was looking into his eyes. "Let's get out of here for the night, you and me. We can sleep under the stars together."

Hopeflame's heart lifted a little, so she nodded. Brambleclaw led the way out of camp and into the forest. It was strange to know that there were no borders anymore. They could go anywhere they wanted from the marshes, the river, to snakerocks. There was comfort in knowing that.

Brambleclaw suddenly took off down a trail. "Race you to Sunningrocks!" He shouted over his shoulder.

Smirking, Hopeflame raced after him. They dodged trees and bramble patches easily, weaving through the undergrowth like shadows. She followed Brambleclaw and let out a giddy laugh. Above the thick tree canopy, Hopeflame glimpsed pieces of Silverpelt.

She remembered the stories Sandstorm used to tell her and her littermates about StarClan. Graystripe had believed in StarClan, too. Could there really be cats in the sky watching over them? If there were cats in the sky, did they know her sins? Would she be punished for everything that she's done?

Brambleclaw pulled her from her thoughts when he appeared out of nowhere to pounce on her. They tumbled through the undergrowth before landing side by side in the soft grass. Their laughter bounced off of the tree trunks to fill this part of the forest. Even the wind seemed to be laughing with them.

Suddenly, Brambleclaw leaned closer to lick her forehead. Hopeflame's pelt became warm and butterflies swarmed in her belly. Her heart was racing and it surprised her that Brambleclaw couldn't hear it. Could he? Was his heart racing like hers? It was hard to tell if he was nervous.

She returned the gesture, licking in between his eyes. They nuzzled each other's necks. Being this close to his chest, Hopeflame could hear Brambleclaw's thundering heartbeat. Obviously he wasn't as calm as he seemed. She nosed his cheek gently and twined her tail with his.

Their heartbeats echoed each other's in a beautiful symphony that joined the music of the forest. Hopeflame moved as close as she possibly could until there was no space between them. Brambleclaw rose gently to hover over her. His amber eyes stared into her green ones which were to the likeliness of green-leaf leaves.

Brambleclaw leaned down so she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. "Do you trust me?"

Despite her pounding heart, Hopeflame knew the answer to that question. "Yes," She whispered. "I trust you."

In that moment, they became one. Their bodies met in a way that made Hopeflame blush. She never imagined it would be like this. But Brambleclaw was gentle and she wasn't afraid. Her heart raced against her ribcage. She raised her eyes to the stars.

"Hey, look at me," Brambleclaw murmured. "We're all that matter right now."

Brambleclaw filled her in ways that she didn't even know were empty. He gave her the pieces that she hadn't known were missing. Her breath hitched in her throat for a moment. Only the stars knew of their secrets.

Brambleclaw settled down at her side. Their breath created fog in the air, but Hopeflame didn't feel the chill. With Brambleclaw at her side, she knew she would never feel cold again.

"I love you, Brambleclaw," Hopeflame meowed sweetly as she gazed into his eyes.

He stared back and answered with the utmost sincerity: "I love you, too, Hopeflame."

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