Chapter 25

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Hopeflame woke the next morning to find a thin layer of snow covering the ground as well as her and Brambleclaw. Last night, they had fallen asleep sharing each other's warmth. Even now, Hopeflame didn't feel the cold. She couldn't imagine ever being cold again after last night. The simple memory was enough to curl her toes and stir warmth in her heart.

She rolled over to face Brambleclaw who, she discovered, was already awake. His amber eyes were locked on her in a wholly loving way. "Good morning, Hopeflame." How words warmed her to the core.

"Good morning, Brambleclaw," Hopeflame giggled.

The sun had barely risen but there was enough light to see by. "I hate to be the bringer of bad news," Hopeflame sighed, "But we should probably head back to camp."

"Hmm, that is certainly bad news." Brambleclaw smirked before nuzzling her neck.

Hopeflame squirmed as she giggled at his antics. "Brambleclaw! You're the deputy, remember? You've got patrols to assign."

Brambleclaw's eyes were filled with a playful fire. "Tigerstar can do that if it's really that important."

"Brambleclaw..." She gave him a stern look that was playful in its own way.

Groaning, Brambleclaw finally stood up to stretch. "Alright, fine, but you're coming with me on my patrol."

"Deal." Hopeflame stood up and stretched as well. When she finished, she found Brambleclaw staring at her. "What?"

"You're just so beautiful," Brambleclaw told her. "I wonder every day how I could ever deserve you."

Hopeflame's pelt became flushed with embarrassment. She moved close to him and pressed her forehead to his. "I'm right here, Brambleclaw, and I'm not going anywhere."

Together they walked back to camp closer than they've ever been. The world seemed brighter somehow, almost as if the world could end tomorrow and she wouldn't be afraid. With Brambleclaw at her side, she could do anything.

They returned to find the clan fully awake. Warriors waited around for their patrols. Some looked a little annoyed to be kept waiting. Brambleclaw approached them confidently while Hopeflame followed a little sheepishly.

"Longtail, take Mosspelt, Onewhisker, Sorreltail, Owlgaze, Eaglepaw, and Shimmerpaw to patrol the Thunder border. Russetfur, take Mistyfoot, Runningwind, Whitetail, Thornclaw, and Dewpaw to patrol the Shadow Border." Brambleclaw paused for breath and surveyed the remaining cats.

"Leopardfur, take Brackenfur, Sandstorm, Whitethroat, Mousefur, and Turtlepaw to patrol the River Border. Mudclaw, take Fawnstep, Dustpelt, Hollytail, Rainwhisker, and Hailpaw to the Wind Border." Then he looked around once more.

"Brindleface and Swiftwind, take whomever you like for two hunting patrols. I'll take a hunting patrol. With me will be Hopeflame, Whitestorm, Tawnypelt, Ravenflight, Breezetail, and Soarpaw."

Brambleclaw led the way out of camp with Hopeflame at his flank. She could feel Breezetail's eyes burning into her. Like others, she probably blamed her for the Merge. In reality, she had played such a small part in it. She was only the messenger.

"Where are we going to hunt?" Hopeflame asked Brambleclaw.

"We're going to Sunningrocks," Brambleclaw answered.

The group padded on silently through the forest with Brambleclaw in the lead. At the rear of the patrol was Whitestorm. Hopeflame fell back slightly to allow Tawnypelt to talk with her brother. It's been a while since Hopeflame's talked with Tawnypelt; they needed to catch up soon.

Hopeflame found herself walking alongside Ravenflight. He had only been a kit during the ShadowClan Merge. It left Hopeflame to wonder how much he remembered. She wanted to ask him, but was unsure. Then she decided to ask anyways.

"Ravenflight, how much do you remember of ShadowClan?" Hopeflame asked him gently.

The young black tom glanced at her in surprise. "Not much," He admitted. "I honestly don't feel like a ShadowClan cat. I feel like a TigerClan cat."

His answer soothed Hopeflame's worries. She trotted ahead to walk just behind Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw. Up ahead, she could hear the river. Her spirits rose, causing her to race ahead of the patrol. She emerged from the trees to stand alongside Sunningrocks. Ahead of them, half frozen over, was the river. It's been a while since she's seen it.

Hopeflame took a step forward but paused. Someday she would be able to return to the river, but not now. Not so soon. She needed more time to grieve that part of her life and those that died with it.

"Hopeflame, you find anything?" Brambleclaw called from the tree line.

"Nope." She turned and bounded back into the shelter of the trees. The patrol was waiting in a clearing. Hopeflame appeared through the undergrowth, earning a shower of snow from the branches.

"Hopeflame," Brambleclaw waved her over. "You're going to train Soarpaw today. She needs to learn how to hunt in the trees. Whitestorm, if you could teach Breezetail? Everyone else spread out like normal."

Everyone dispersed except for Hopeflame and Soarpaw. Whitestorm took Breezetail deeper into the forest. Hopeflame glanced at the black and white apprentice apprehensively. Soarpaw's blue eyes were cold as ice.

"Alright, forest hunting..." Hopeflame cleared her throat. "Well, for one, you won't need to run as far. You're able to sneak up much closer to your prey than you would on the moors. Watch me."

She demonstrated the proper hunting crouch to use in the forest. Her body moved like a snake, fluid and silent. Then she pounced on a leaf. Hopeflame looked back at Soarpaw and nodded for her to try it.

The former WindClan apprentice was a quick learner. She seemed to have an eye for it and a natural balance about her. Soarpaw made it look like a dance, graceful and strong. She looked back to Hopeflame for approval.

"Great job!" Hopeflame purred. "Now let's try it for real."

Soarpaw disappeared into the undergrowth and Hopeflame shadowed her. Almost immediately, Soarpaw locked her blue gaze on a mole. Step by step, she moved in closer to her prey. Hopeflame silently urged her onward. She was doing so well!

Suddenly, the wind shifted and the mole lifted its head abruptly. It must've smelled Soarpaw because it took off. Before Hopeflame could say anything, Soarpaw was chasing after it. Hopeflame jumped to her paws to pursue the apprentice.

"Soarpaw, wait up!" Hopeflame called. Up ahead she could hear the river and Soarpaw wouldn't know that it was there. Just as Hopeflame emerged by Sunningrocks, she watched Soarpaw follow the mole out onto the precariously thin ice. "No Soarpaw!" Hopeflame shouted.

The ice cracked, plunging Soarpaw into the frigid waters. Hopeflame charged down the river bank just as the rest of the patrol appeared at the tree line. They must've heard her screams.

"Hopeflame!" Brambleclaw yowled, but it was too late. She dived into the river.

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