Chapter 19

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Night fell and Hopeflame restlessly waited for WindClan to fall asleep. She lay curled tightly in her nest to conserve warmth and listened to her denmates for snoring. Despite her calm demeanor, her heart was racing. If all went according to plan, she could be with Brambleclaw forever.

The snores and deep breathing of the WindClan warriors assured Hopeflame that they were asleep. Slowly and quietly, she crept out of the den and into the night air. It appeared that Onewhisker was guarding the camp entrance with quiet concentration.

Hopeflame silently made her way towards the entrance and waited. She had to think of a way of getting past him without raising suspicions. Just then, a noise came from the nursery and Onewhisker wandered off to check it out. Sighing with relief, Hopeflame made a dash for the entrance.

Outside the walls of the camp, the wind blew without mercy, cutting through Hopeflame's thick pelt. She narrowed her eyes against the stinging wind as she flew over the moors. Her paws barely touched the ground and she felt that she could race an eagle and win.

In the distance she could see the dark smudge of TigerClan's trees. The closer she got, the more she could feel the tension crackling in the air. Her heart was racing as she approached the tree line. This was it, the day that TigerClan prevailed.

Wrath's words echoed in her mind and she knew that she had to be on the right side of history. The side that prevailed. If she failed Tigerstar now, she would never get to be with Brambleclaw. Everything that she's worked for would crumble like ashes.

Hopeflame stopped at the edge of the forest and peered into the shadows. She couldn't see them yet, but she knew they were in their way. Dawn would be nearing soon and WindClan would be waking. They didn't have much time.

Motion amongst the shadows caught her attention and she stood ready. Stepping from the undergrowth was Tigerstar with Brambleclaw at his side. The entirety of TigerClan stood behind them, ready to fight. Hopeflame's fur stood on end in awe.

"Hopeflame," Brambleclaw moved to her side and they brushed cheeks. "I'm so sorry for what I did to you..."

"You were only playing the role you were given," Hopeflame murmured. "I'm fine."

Tigerstar approached her with quiet authority and she dipped her head to the dark tabby tom. "You and Brambleclaw will take down Tallstar." Then he lifted his head to the rest of the clan. "Tonight we make history. TigerClan will prevail, united and stronger than ever!"

Most of the TigerClan cats cheered, but Hopeflame saw uncertainty in the RiverClan cats' eyes. She scanned the crowd for her loved ones, finding Sandstorm, Owlgaze, and Stormblaze. Something sinister flickered in Stormblaze's eyes, but Hopeflame pretended not to see it.

"Follow me!" Tigerstar took off with Brambleclaw and Hopeflame at his flanks. TigerClan followed behind them like a dark wave of shadows. The sun still hadn't risen, leaving the moors cloaked in darkness. Hopeflame led the way to the WindClan camp. She knew she could not falter, not know when she was so close.

Over the rise, Hopeflame could see the WindClan camp, nestled between the hills. For a moment, TigerClan stopped and peered down upon the last resistance. Everyone knew they didn't have a chance, but only Hopeflame considered the consequences. What would happen to Barley and his family when TigerClan won? What would happen when Tigerstar realized that Ravenpaw was alive?

"For TigerClan!" Tigerstar yowled before leading the charge down the hill. The clan chorused his words until their voices rose above the wind.

In one heartbeat, TigerClan fell upon WindClan like hungry vultures. Onewhisker was tackled easily by Jaggdtooth and WindClan warriors appeared from the den. TigerClan warriors cut through them with no remorse and for a moment, Hopeflame was paralyzed with horror.

"Hopeflame!" Brambleclaw shook her in an attempt to snap her out of it. "Come on! We've got to find Tallstar!"

Hopeflame shook her head, pulling herself from the trance. "He'll be in his den. Follow me." She dodged throngs of clawing, yowling cats with Brambleclaw on her tail. Her green eyes stayed locked on Tallstar's den. One more act of treason then she could finally be free.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Blackclaw, Loudbelly, and Stonefur ambushed her. They knocked her into the crowd out of Brambleclaw's sight. She flailed in the air before falling. The breath was knocked out of her lungs and she desperately gasped for air. The three former RiverClan warriors circled her, vengeance in their eyes.

"You're the reason RiverClan fell," Blackclaw snarled. "Look at what you've done!"

"You betrayed us, Hopeflame," Stonefur growled, the fur on his back standing straight. "Crookedstar trusted you, RiverClan sheltered you!"

"And now you think that you can bring the downfall of WindClan too?" Loudbelly hissed angrily. "We can't let you get away with this-not again."

"You're just Tigerstar's weapon, bending to his every will!" Stonefur snarled. "You betrayed your own kin!"

Hopeflame struggled to her paws and prepared to fight for her life. There was nothing she could say to justify what she's done. Her eyes scanned the mess of fighting cats for Brambleclaw. Blackclaw lunged for her and she dodged him easily, tossing him aside like a mossball.

"Tigerstar will kill all of you for treason!" Hopeflame screeched. Stonefur and Loudbelly dived for her with their claws outstretched. She pulled away with a few scratches to show for it.

While she was distracted, Blackclaw pounced on her and pinned her underneath his claws. She struggled against his grip, but he held her tightly. His claws pricked her skin, drawing blood that stained the white snow. Hopeflame tried to claw him, but there was no way to gain enough momentum.

"For Crookedstar." Blackclaw dug his fangs into her neck. But before his teeth could puncture an artery or her windpipe, a dark shadow flew from the crowd to collide with Blackclaw. Hopeflame's eyes widened when she realized the cat pinning Blackclaw down was Stormblaze.

"It was never the plan to hurt her!" Stormblaze yelled at Blackclaw.

Stonefur and Loudbelly came down on Stormblaze with the anger of a million adders. "Stormblaze!" Blood gushed from his neck and Hopeflame pushed past them to reach her brother.

"No, no, no!" Hopeflame wailed. She fell at his side as the chaos of the battle raged on. Stonefur, Blackclaw, and Loudbelly regressed back into the crowd, leaving her there by his side. "Stormblaze, you can't leave me! I never meant for this to happen!"

Despite the blood, Stormblaze somehow managed to speak. "I-It's okay...Hopeflame...I-I never wanted to hurt you..."

"Stormblaze," Hopeflame cried. "You can't leave. Featherstream needs you..."

"I-I'm sorry..."

"For what?" Hopeflame was perplexed. After everything that she's done, he was sorry?

Stormblaze raised his amber eyes to her. They were filled with warmth and pain. "For not believing that you did everything you could to protect us..." He closed his eyes for a moment, causing tears to trail his cheeks. "I forgive you."

Then he drew his last weary breath and Hopeflame felt all of the rage, guilt, and sorrow overwhelming her. She felt trapped underneath a dark tidal wave without the means to move or breath. Her body became stiff and the battle around her faded away. It was just her and her sorrow.


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