Allegiances Updated

373 10 2

[T] Previously ThunderClan
[S] Previously ShadowClan
[R] Previously RiverClan
[W] Previously WindClan

Leader-Tigerstar: large, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and unusually sharp claws [T]
Deputy-Brambleclaw: dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes [T]
-Whitestorm: big white tom [T]
-Blackfoot: white tom with black paws [S]
-Leopardfur: unusually golden spotted she-cat [R]
-Mudclaw: mottled dark brown tom [W]
-Barkface: short-tailed brown tom [W]
-Mudfur: long-haired light brown tabby tom [R]
-Runningnose: small gray and white tom [S]
-Mapleheart: ginger and white she-cat [T]
-Oakfur: small brown tom [S]
-Goldenflower: pale ginger she-cat [T]
-Webfoot: dark gray tabby tom [W]
-Tawnyfur: golden brown she-cat [W]
-Tornear: tabby tom [W]
-Tallpoppy: long-legged, light brown tabby she-cat [S]
-Fawnstep: ginger she-cat with white flecks [S]
-Mistyfoot: dark gray she-cat [R]
-Longtail: pale tabby tom with dark stripes [T]
-Mosspelt: tortoiseshell she-cat [R]
-Breezetail: cream-colored she-cat with blue eyes [W]
-Jaggedtooth: huge tabby tom [S]
-Dawncloud: small tabby she-cat [S]
-Runningwind: swift tabby tom [T]
-Mousefur: small dusky brown she-cat [T]
-Littlecloud: very small tabby tom [S]
-Russetfur: dark ginger she-cat [S]
-Onewhisker: light brown tabby tom [W]
-Whitethroat: black tom with white chest and paws [S]
-Brindleface: pretty tabby she-cat [T]
-Brackenfur: golden-brown tabby tom [T]
-Whitetail: small white she-cat [W]
-Sandstorm: pale ginger she-cat with green eyes [T]
-Dustpelt: dark brown tabby tom [T]
-Petalnose: tortoiseshell she-cat [S]
-Gorsefur: long-legged brown tabby tom [W]
-Swiftwind: black and white tom [T]
-Briarnose: long-haired tortoiseshell she-cat [R]
-Thornclaw: golden-brown tabby tom [T]
-Ashfang: pale gray tom with darker flecks and dark blue eyes [T]
-Rainwhisker: black tom [T]
-Sorreltail: tortoiseshell and white she-cat [T]
-Rowanclaw: ginger tabby tom [S]
-Tawnypelt: tortoiseshell she-cat [T]
-Owlgaze: light brown tabby tom with green eyes
-Hopeflame: long-haired russet she-cat with a dark dorsal stripe and green eyes
-Free: long-haired gray tom with a dark dorsal stripe and green eyes
-Crowfeather: black tom with blue eyes [W]
-Skybreeze: blue-grey she-cat with blue eyes [W]
-Cloudpool: white tom [W]
-Ravenflight: black tom [S]
-Cloverpetal: black and white she-cat with green eyes [S]
-Hollytail: light gray and white tabby she-cat [S]
-Eaglepaw: dark brown tabby tom with a white-tipped tail & white face (mentor: Onewhisker) [W]
-Soarpaw: black and white she-cat with blue eyes (mentor: Breezetail) [W]
-Hailpaw blue-grey tom with amber eyes (mentor: Blackclaw) [R]
-Dewpaw: dark gray she-cat with white flecks and amber eyes (mentor: Thornclaw) [R]
-Turtlepaw: brown tom with golden-swirled stripes (mentor: Mousefur) [R]
-Shimmerpaw: pale gray she-cat with green eyes (mentor: Mosspelt) [R]
-Darkflower: black she-cat (mother to Runningwind's kits: Ebonykit, Pinekit, and Smallkit) [S]
-Runningbrook: light gray she-cat (mother to Onewhisker's kits: Heatherkit, Larkkit, and Lilackit) [W]
-Brightflower: white she-cat with ginger patches (mother to Swiftwind's kits: Gingerkit, Beekit, Spottedkit, and Leafkit) [T]
-Ferncloud: pale gray she-cat with darker flecks and pale green eyes (mother to Dustpelt's kits: Spiderkit, Hollykit, Shrewkit, and Larchkit) [T]
-Cinderpelt: dark gray she-cat (expecting Jaggedtooth's kits) [T]
-Featherstream: long-haired silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes (expecting Owlgaze's kits) [R]
-Ebonykit: pure black tom (mother: Darkflower)
-Smallkit: very small tabby she-kit with white paws (mother: Darkflower)
-Pinekit: russet tabby tom (mother: Darkflower)
-Gingerkit: ginger tabby she-kit with green eyes (mother: Brightflower)
-Beekit: pale ginger tom with black stripes (mother: Brightflower)
-Spottedkit: tortoiseshell she-kit (mother: Brightflower)
-Leafkit: black and white tom (mother: Brightflower)
-Heatherkit: dusky brown she-kit (mother: Runningbrook) [W]
-Larkkit: light brown tabby she-kit (mother: Runningbrook) [W]
-Lilackit: gray she-kit with brown points (mother: Runningbrook) [W]
-Spiderkit: lithe black tom with brown underbelly (mother: Ferncloud)
-Hollykit: brown tabby she-kit with amber eyes (mother: Ferncloud)
-Shrewkit: small dark brown tom with amber eyes (mother: Ferncloud)
-Larchkit: pale brown tabby she-kit with white paws (mother: Ferncloud)

Cats Outside the Clans
-Barley: black and white tom
-Butterfly: golden tabby she-cat
-Rosie: tortoiseshell and white she-cat
-Sunny: golden tabby tom
-Oliver: pale gray tabby tom
-Maisie: black she-cat with white paws (mother to Oliver's kits: Luna, Hawk, Shadow, and Lion)
-Luna: silver tabby she-kit
-Hawk: brown tabby tom
-Shadow: black tom with white chest
-Lion: golden tabby tom

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