Chapter 28

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"Your chest sounds clear and your coughing has stopped." Mapleheart mewed. "I think you'll be alright to return to warrior duties, but you need to take it easy! No dawn patrols, no hunting on the other side of the territory. Take it slow."

"Thanks Mapleheart," Hopeflame purred. She touched her nose to her sister's in joy. "You're a great healer, you know that right?"

Mapleheart giggled, "I've been told that a time or two." It felt amazing to hear her laugh. While Hopeflame's been away, she missed watching her sister blossom into a confident, capable she-cat.

"I'm going to go tell Brambleclaw!" Hopeflame emerged from the healer den just as Tigerstar leaped onto the Great Rock.

"Let all those who can fight like a warrior gather here beneath the Great Rock for a clan meeting!" Tigerstar yowled.

Hopeflame noticed Brambleclaw sitting at the base of the Great Rock with the advisors at his side. Cats gathered around to hear whatever it was Tigerstar had to say. Hopeflame wandered over to Tawnypelt, Owlgaze, and Rowanclaw. "Can I sit here?" Tawnypelt nodded and Hopeflame sat beside her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Hopeflame noticed Darkflower and Runningwind leading their three kits out of the nursery. Ebonykit led the way with eagerness. Pinekit walked at his flank and Smallkit trailed behind them. They must being named apprentices!

"These three kits have waited long enough to be named apprentices. Today they will begin their journey to becoming warriors. As the first real TigerClan cats, this is a monumental day for our clan." Tigerstar leaped down from the Great Rock to stand in front of the kits.

"Smallkit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Smallpaw. Your mentor will be Sorreltail." Hopeflame watched the small tabby she-kit approach Sorreltail. They would be a good match.

Tigerstar then moved to Pinekit. "Until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Pinepaw. Brambleclaw, you're a strong, loyal TigerClan warrior and my most faithful deputy. I trust that you will train Pinepaw into a warrior the clan can celebrate."

The young russet tabby tom walked up to Brambleclaw and sheepishly touched hoses with him. It warmed Hopeflame's heart to see Brambleclaw with the young cat. He would be a great mentor, she knew for certain.

"And finally, Ebonykit." Tigerstar walked up to the excited black tom. "Until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Ebonypaw." His amber eyes fell on her. "Hopeflame, you've done more for TigerClan than any other warrior. Your first apprentice is long overdue. You're loyal and have unique skills you learnt from all four clans. I trust that you'll turn Ebonypaw into the ultimate warrior."

Still shocked, Hopeflame stepped forward to touch noses with the small black tom. His green eyes were alight with excitement. She couldn't believe that she would get to train this apprentice. He was so lively and determined. It would certainly be fun to train him.

"Smallpaw! Pinepaw! Ebonypaw!" The clan cheered.

Hopeflame couldn't help but noticing Ebonypaw stand a little taller. She turned to him when the cheering faded. "What do you want to see first? I was thinking we could cover about half the territory before sunset."

"Why don't Pinepaw and I come along?" Brambleclaw suggested with Pinepaw at his side. "It'll be fun."

Brambleclaw led the way out of camp with Hopeflame at his side. The two brothers spoke excitedly to one another. They reminded Hopeflame of her and her littermates. It seemed like lifetimes ago, but they had been best friends once.

"So Mapleheart gave you the okay to train again?" Brambleclaw asked her.

"Yes, but she says I need to take it easy." Hopeflame replied cheekily. She rubbed against Brambleclaw's side and caught his eye.

"Hey! Lovebirds!" It was Ebonypaw. The black tom certainly didn't lack confidence. "Where are we heading?"

Hopeflame and Brambleclaw shared amused looks. "We'll head to Snackrocks." Brambleclaw decided.

The two apprentices dashed off, leaving Hopeflame and Brambleclaw alone for a moment. They glanced at each other, and it seemed like they were the only ones who existed. Hopeflame loved Brambleclaw, she knew that. She knew that when he became leader, TigerClan would change for the better.


The sun was beginning to set when they returned to Fourtrees. Ebonypaw and Pinepaw eagerly joined the other apprentices to talk about all they've learned. They wrestled with their sister.

Hopeflame watched them for a little while. She became lost in her thoughts and didn't notice Brambleclaw coming up beside her. His sudden appearance caused her to jump. "You scared me!"

"Sorry," Brambleclaw mewed. "I was wondering if you wanted to share a rabbit?"

She touched her nose to his. "I'd love to."

Together, they approached the fresh-kill pile which was overflowing. TigerClan really was thriving. Brambleclaw picked out a rabbit then they sat side by side in front of the deputy's den. While they ate, Hopeflame's eyes kept moving back towards the apprentices. She wished that her apprenticeship could've been less stressful.

There was sudden motion at the nursery. Hopeflame watched as Brightflower's four kits emerged into the light. They were all so small and tentative, but so brave at the same time. Any kit could be brave with their littermates at their side.

"We could have kits, you know." Brambleclaw meowed thoughtfully. "Imagine little kits that look like you running around."

"They would look like you, too!" Hopeflame argued playfully, her eyes alight with laughter.

Brambleclaw chuckled and licked between her ears. "I would love them regardless."

They ate the rabbit and playfully talked about their future lives together. Hopeflame imagined what their kits would look. She imagined little tabby toms and red-furred she-kits. Oh the stories she would tell them.

She laid by Brambleclaw's side in their new den. Hopeflame fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

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