Chapter 29

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Pinkish light streamed into the den, indicating that dawn had come. Hopeflame slowly opened her eyes to take in the sight. Outside the den, she could faintly make out the clearing. She realized quickly that Brambleclaw wasn't at her side. He was probably leading the dawn patrol.

Unable to fall back asleep, Hopeflame sat up in her nest. She began to groom her long fur which contrasted with the snow outside. Her green eyes flitted over to the entrance in curiosity. Outside the den, she could hear giggling.

Rising to her paws, Hopeflame emerged from the den to investigate. She followed the sound to find Brightflower's four kits playing at the edge of the clearing. They were rolling in the snow, giggling and chasing the snowflakes. Hopeflame's gaze softened and warmth spread in her heart.

Sandstorm told her that Brightflower's and Swiftwind named them Beekit, Spottedkit, Leafkit, and Gingerkit. They all shared some resemblance with their parents. Each of them looked strong and healthy. Perfect future warriors for TigerClan.

Leafkit, a black and white tom-the perfect image of Swiftwind, looked over at her and stopped playing. The other kits stopped playing for a moment and studied her curiously. Out of the four of them, only one seemed brave enough to approach her.

It was Gingerkit. She walked towards Hopeflame, one small step at a time. Soon she stood right in front of Hopeflame. She tipped her head in wonder.

"You're Hopeflame, right?" Gingerkit squeaked. "The one that spied on RiverClan and WindClan?"

Hopeflame was speechless. Did she really want the kits to know her only as the cat who deceived two entire clans? Slowly, Hopeflame nodded. "Yes, that would be me."

"Wow!" Gingerkit exclaimed. "You're like a hero!" The other kits gathered around her and attacked her with questions.

"Were you scared?" "What did fish taste like?" "Was it fun being a spy?"

Hopeflame opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She didn't know what to say. Before she could respond, Sandstorm appeared at her side.

"Come on, kits. Run along." Sandstorm ordered them. They bounded back towards the nursery, leaving Hopeflame and Sandstorm isolated in the clearing.

"They think that I enjoyed being a spy." Hopeflame choked out. She didn't realize it, but she was shaking. "They think being a deceiver is heroic."

Sandstorm nuzzled Hopeflame reassuringly. "They're just kits, Hopeflame. They don't know any better. When you have kits of your own, you'll understand."

Hopeflame sighed and let her eyes wander over to the apprentice den. "I need to take Ebonypaw out for training."

She left Sandstorm standing there alone. Hopeflame approached the apprentice den to find Ebonypaw waiting inside. He perked up when he saw her coming.

"What are we going to do today, Hopeflame?" Ebonypaw asked her. He pounced on a snowflake. "Hunting?" Then he clawed at an imaginary foe. "Fighting?"

Hopeflame's whiskers twitched in amusement. "We'll be practicing basic defensive moves today." She led the black tom out of camp and towards the moors.

He flattened his ears. "We're going out onto the moors?"

Hopeflame glanced at him with a frown. "You need to learn how to be comfortable in all situations."

They stopped near the Lookout Rock. Almost immediately, Hopeflame lunged at Ebonypaw. He wasn't prepared which made it easy for her to pin him down. "You need to always stay alert." She let him up and saw the embarrassment on his face.

"Now, this time when I lunge at you, try to dodge me, okay?" Hopeflame told him. When he nodded, she dashed forward at him. Ebonypaw tried to dodge, but she was quicker than he was and easily tagged him. "You'll have to be quicker than that. Try anticipating my movements."

They practiced that for a little while. Ebonypaw improved each time. He was becoming quicker on his paws and more in tune to her movements. Hopeflame was quite pleased with him. He was a quick learner, very intelligent.

"Alright, let's try something new." Hopeflame thought for a moment. "This time, when I attack you, try to defend yourself. Ready?"

Hopeflame lunged at him with her paw outstretched. Ebonypaw moved slightly and struck her shoulder from the side. She turned back to him to find a pleased look on his face. "Good," Hopeflame purred. "Again."

They practiced until the sun was high in the sky. By that time, both of them were tired and hungry. Hopeflame led them back to Fourtrees. Ebonypaw talked nonstop about what he learned which increased Hopeflame's affection for the young tom. He would be a great warrior one day.

When they returned to camp, they were met with a lot of commotion. Warriors were circled around two cats whom Hopeflame couldn't see. She pushed to the front of the crowd to see her brother, Free, fighting with Jaggedtooth. The two toms were locked in a vicious battle. Fur was flying and blood splattered the snow.

"Hey! Quit it!" Hopeflame was the only one to intervene.

She forced herself in between the two toms, receiving a few marks along her pelt. Her efforts must've pulled some others from their trance because Whitestorm and Dustpelt were at her side to help pull the toms apart.

Where was Tigerstar?

"What's going on here?!" Whitestorm demanded the two toms.

Hopeflame narrowed her eyes at Free. How could he be so stupid to start a fight? Tigerstar was already waiting for him to mess up!

"He started it!" Free growled, motioning at Jaggedtooth. "He called me a loner!"

"Aren't you?" Whitestorm snapped. "You're not a full TigerClan cat yet!"

"Free, what were you thinking?" Hopeflame questioned her brother. She tried to approach him, but he took a step back.

"Don't touch me."

Hopeflame's jaw dropped and she was frozen in place. She didn't even move when Barkface, Runningnose, and Mapleheart appeared. Mapleheart had to snap her out of it.

"Healer den. Now."

She allowed herself to be led towards the healer den with Jaggedtooth and Free. Hopeflame wondered what Tigerstar would do when he found out.

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