Chapter 2

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Sunrise finally came after the longest night Hopeflame's ever experienced. The sun rose above the trees, bringing a brand new light to the forest. A deep hush still remained over the forest as if it were holding its breath. Fog twined through the trees, bathing the forest in ghostly white.

Outside the camp, Hopeflame could hear the stream. In the distance, birds were chirping, a sign that the forest was waking up. She opened her green eyes and took in the sorry sight that was the RiverClan camp.

In the light of day, it was easier to see the damage done. The dens were half-torn down, blood and fur covered the ground, bodies were sporadically placed for vigils, and countless cats bowed their heads in mourning. Last night had been like a nightmare, and Hopeflame wished that it wasn't real. She wished that it would all magically go away and that Graystripe would walk through the camp entrance with a trout in his jaws.

But it took her one look at his body to know that this was real. She had really forsaken RiverClan and fought for TigerClan. Last night she had killed Crookedstar and injured many she had called her clanmates. Hopeflame felt empty and heavy with guilt. She could've sworn that her russet pelt was stained red with blood.

She moved slightly to discover that she must've fallen asleep beside Brambleclaw. The TigerClan deputy was still in deep sleep and he looked innocent like this. Hopeflame could almost forget the glint in his eyes that reminded her too much of Tigerstar. Almost.

Hopeflame got to her paws and stretched. Stormblaze and Featherstream laid side by side next to Graystripe, sound asleep. Not too far away, Hopeflame noticed Sandstorm and Owlgaze. They had blood on their paws and mountains between them, but they were still kin.

Tigerstar stood at the center of camp, his pelt like a shadow in the pale sun. His amber eyes found her and he motioned her over. Hopeflame nervously approached Tigerstar. What would he do now that he knew that her father was Graystripe?

"You performed well in the face of battle." Tigerstar meowed evenly. "It can be easy to fake loyalty up until you need to fight alongside them."

Hopeflame didn't say anything at first. She was trying to figure out what to say. "Will Stormblaze and Featherstream be able to join TigerClan? They can't help who their father was."

"Just like you can't help who your father was?" Tigerstar accused suddenly, his amber eyes glinting with malice.

Her pelt ruffled in agitation. "Yes, none of us can help who fathers us."

Tigerstar suddenly became reserved and a coldness filled his eyes. He dug his claws into the dirt. "I understand." Then he snapped out of his trance and glanced at her. "I will show them mercy, just this once. If either of them show the slightest hint of disloyalty, I'll have no choice but to exterminate them."

Hopeflame dipped her head to show him how grateful she was. She padded away back to where Brambleclaw slept. He was slowly waking and looked up at her. The way he looked at her made her heart flutter and legs become weak.

"Good morning, Hopeflame," Brambleclaw purred as he sat up.

She became bold and rubbed against his chest, purring. "Good morning, Brambleclaw." He rested his chin on her back and licked her ears. Her green eyes opened and made contact with Stormblaze's across the camp clearing. She turned her eyes up at Brambleclaw. "I have to talk to him."

Hopeflame slipped away from Brambleclaw and walked across the clearing to Stormblaze, his amber eyes burning with fire. "Stormblaze? Can we talk?"

He gave her a hard look but then he slowly nodded his head. Together they left the RiverClan camp while Tigerstar prepared the clan to move. They would all be traveling to Fourtrees to make the new camp. It would position them closer to WindClan and make it easier to attack.

They crossed the shallow stream and it only went up to Hopeflame's bellyfur. She stepped into the forest, letting the shadows envelope her. Stormblaze blended in the the shadows, making him seem more forlorn. She turned to face him but she couldn't find the words she needed.


"Everything was a lie," Stormblaze cut her off. The anger in his voice was thick and forceful. He unsheathed his claws and dug them into the dirt. "You never cared about us or Graystripe! It's your fault that he's dead!"

Hopeflame flattened her ears and shied away from him. "No, Stormblaze, you don't understand. Please let me explain..."

Stormblaze lashed his tail in rage. Hate began to burn in his amber eyes. "Please."

She lowered her head, momentarily lost for words. Then she lifted her head. "I left TigerClan on Tigerstar's order to infiltrate RiverClan. He wanted me to gain the clan's trust so I could gain information. When I came to RiverClan, I hadn't known that Graystripe was my father or that you and Featherstream were my kin. He told me and I knew that sooner or later I'd have to choose."

"I also knew that if Tigerstar found out that Graystripe was my father, he'd kill you both and everyone I loved in TigerClan. At the time, they naturally meant more to me since I've known them my entire life. They were my own blood. But as I stayed longer in RiverClan..." She lowered her head to shield her emotions.

"I realized that I loved you, Graystripe, and Featherstream just as much. It left me torn, confused, and guilt ridden. How could I choose one over the other? Then I met with Tigerstar. I told him half the truth, that you and Featherstream would make great additions to TigerClan and that he should consider sparing you despite Graystripe being your father."

Stormblaze remained silent as Hopeflame continued. "Then he told me that if I could promise your loyalty that he would spare you. Tigerstar then ordered me...he ordered me to seduce you. He claimed that love outweighs loyalty. So I did it even though I knew that you were my brother. I did it because I thought it would save your life!"

At first Stormblaze said nothing. He wouldn't look Hopeflame or even acknowledge her. "You let me believe that we could be something. You seduced me even when you knew we were related by blood... And you lied, about everything."

"I'm sorry, Stormblaze, but I didn't have many options!" Hopeflame argued. "I did it to save your life!

Stormblaze shook his head. "If staying alive means living in a clan of liars then I wish I'd perished alongside my father." He turned his back on her and left her standing in the shadows.

Hopeflame may have lost him forever.

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