Chapter 23

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TigerClan returned to Fourtreees exhausted and battered. Tigerstar raised his head and immediately leaped onto the Great Rock. Every cat emerged to hear him, even the kits. Hopeflame settled beside Sandstorm, Owlgaze, and Featherstream. She needed the comfort of family. She noticed the healers, including Maplepaw, seeing to the severely wounded.

Tigerstar lifted his head proudly and called out to all the clan. "Cats of TigerClan, let this day be remembered. Our dream is complete, and we've created the perfect clan. No more border fights, no more competing for food. We will be the strongest clan to ever exist!" TigerClan cats cheered, but RiverClan and WindClan cats were mostly silent.

Hopeflame watched Tigerstar leap down from the Great Rock to whisper something in Brambleclaw's ear. She narrowed her eyes and stood up to approach Brambleclaw. The dark brown tabby from was conversing with Whitestorm and Mudclaw. It surprised Hopeflame to see the former WindClan warrior so engaged already.

"Hopeflame," Brambleclaw greeted her warmly. He glanced at the other two toms to bid them farewell. "Come with me."

Intrigued, Hopeflame willingly followed him across the camp to a small den tucked away in the corner of the camp. "What is this?" She asked him in confusion.

"It's our den," Brambleclaw beamed. "Well, technically it's mine because I'm the deputy, but I can share it with whomever I like." He kept rambling and Hopeflame decided to shush him by running her tail over his mouth.

"I love it." Hopeflame purred. She rubbed her cheek against his with deep affection. After all this time, they could finally be together. They could finally start a family...

"Hopeflame." Sandstorm appeared out of nowhere with an even, careful tone. "Someone needs to tell Featherstream and...well, you know her best."

Hopeflame glanced at Brambleclaw nervously. He nuzzled her cheek gently. "Go to her, I'll be waiting for you."

"Thanks, Brambleclaw," She murmured to him before turning to follow Sandstorm to the nursery.

While they crossed the clearing, Hopeflame noticed Maplepaw emerge from the healer den. Their eyes connected for a moment, but then Maplepaw disappeared again inside the den. Hopeflame's heart clenched with sorrow. How could she enjoy being home if her own sister didn't want her here?

"She still loves you," Sandstorm assured her. "It's just...well, it's been hard for her. She's a full healer now, you know."

"Really?" Hopeflame blinked in surprise. "What name did she receive?"

"Mapleheart," Sandstorm answered, then she walked off again towards the nursery.

For a moment, Hopeflame stood frozen at the center of Fourtrees. TigerClan warriors were keeping a close eye on the newly integrated WindClan cats, Tigerstar was speaking with his advisors, and the apprentices were beginning to mingle. She tried to tell herself that in a few moons everything would get better.

Hopeflame followed Sandstorm to the nursery where she found the queens and kits all resting inside. Darkflower was chastising her three kits, Ebonykit, Smallkit, and Pinekit, about playing too roughly. Runningbrook lay curled around her three daughters protectively. She probably felt out of place here. Brightflower's kits were suckling quietly and Ferncloud's newborn four were sleeping.

On the far side of the den, Cinderpelt and Featherstream talked in hushed voices. When Featherstream saw Hopeflame, she offered a small smile. Hopeflame took a deep breath and approached her half-sister.

"Featherstream...can we talk?" Hopeflame forced the words out. She didn't want to admit to anyone that Stormblaze was really dead, especially her...

Frowning in confusion, Featherstream nodded. "Of course." She heaved herself to her paws and followed Hopeflame out of the nursery.

Hopeflame led her sister into the forest away from camp. They stopped in a hidden glen where the moonlight fell favorably upon the damp grass-the snow hadn't stuck. Featherstream's blue eyes were locked on Hopeflame, and she knew that sooner or later she would have to tell her.

"Featherstream..." Hopeflame took a deep, shaky breath. "During the Merge with WindClan...I was attacked by three RiverClan warriors. T-They wanted revenge. Stormblaze tried to defend me and...I'm so sorry Featherstream."

Featherstream flattened her ears against her skull. Her eyes were filled with uncertainty and fear. "What are you saying, Hopeflame?"

She lowered her head and closed her eyes for a moment. The sight of Stormblaze's blood was still fixed in her mind. Hopeflame raised her green eyes to look into Featherstream's blue ones.

"I'm so sorry, Featherstream, but...Stormblaze is dead."

Featherstream wobbled a little so Hopeflame moved closer to comfort her and to keep her from falling. The silver she-cat jerked to the side and threw up in the undergrowth. Hopeflame didn't know what to do.

"He's dead?" Featherstream rasped.

Hopeflame nodded solemnly. "He died a warrior's death, protecting me. Graystripe would've been proud of him."

"Don't you dare talk about Graystripe like you knew him!" Featherstream snarled. "You only knew him for a couple of moons and then you doomed all of us! You should be dead, not Stormblaze!" Featherstream stomped off back towards the camp, leaving Hopeflame shaken.

Featherstream wasn't wrong.

Stormblaze didn't deserve to die.

She did.

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