Chapter 26

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The frigid water stole the air right from Hopeflame's lungs. She opened her eyes and saw Soarpaw further downstream. Soarpaw never swam before and could easily drown. Without another thought, Hopeflame swam under the ice towards Soarpaw.

Soarpaw's inexperienced strides were doing nothing to help her and she was sinking further down. Hopeflame swam as fast as she could but the coldness was working against her. Her legs were starting to become numb, making it harder to swim. She reached for Soarpaw, but the apprentice slipped out of her reach.

Hopeflame, filled with a new determination, cut through the water like a natural-born RiverClan cat. She dug her fangs into Soarpaw's scruff, accidentally drawing a little blood. But she refused to loosen her grip. She wouldn't risk losing the apprentice to the strong current.

Swimming against the current proved more challenging, but Hopeflame was determined. While she held onto Soarpaw, she was reminded of the time Graystripe saved her from the river. He had risked his life to save her. Now she would do the same for Soarpaw. Hopeflame decided that she's caused too many deaths already.

Finally, Hopeflame reached the break in the ice where Soarpaw fell through. The black and white she-cat was unconscious which made it more difficult. She grabbed onto the ice with her front paws and dug her claws in. Brambleclaw and Whitestorm appeared out of nowhere. They hauled Soarpaw up and Breezetail appeared to drag her back to land.

They were about to grab her when her claws slipped and the current dragged her down. Hopeflame hit her head everything went black.


Light danced at the edges of her vision. There was a gentle breeze that stirred her fur and brought the smells of the forest to her nose. She could feel the sun on her fur, warming her. Hopeflame never wanted to move from this spot.

"Hopeflame, wake up."

Her eyelids fluttered at the sound of the voice. It was vaguely familiar. She stirred slightly, but didn't fully open her eyes. She was so tired...


Her eyes snapped open in surprise. She found herself staring at a pair of gray paws. Looking up, she gasped when she saw who stood over her.


His amber eyes were bright and lively like they used to be. He had no blood on his pelt nor scars marking his body. Graystripe looked strong and healthy. He looked happy.

"Graystripe?" Hopeflame stood up on wobbly legs. "Is it really you?"

"Yes," Graystripe purred. He reached out to nuzzle her cheek. "Great StarClan I miss you, you and Featherstream."

"I-Is this StarClan?" Hopeflame's voice shook with fear. Then she realized something terrifying. "Am I dead?!"

"No, you're not dead, but we haven't much time." Graystripe touched his nose to hers and she felt warmth spread across her body. "Listen to me: when you wake up, go to the Moonstone."

Hopeflame backed up, shaking her head. "No, StarClan isn't real! This isn't real. You're only a figment of my imagination."

"StarClan is real, Hopeflame." Graystripe growled, "Tigerstar lies. He always does."

"Why do I need to go to the Moonstone?" Hopeflame wondered.

Graystripe opened his mouth to speak, but then she felt herself being jerked awake and everything began to fade.



Water spluttered out of her mouth as coughs racked her body. Hopeflame sat herself up suddenly and coughed up more water. Her body was shaking and icicles clung to her fur. Brambleclaw was at her side as was Mapleheart.

"We need to get her back to camp." Another cat meowed. It sounded like Runningnose.

"Come on, Hopeflame," Brambleclaw urged her. "Lean on me." Mapleheart appeared at her other side. With the two of them supporting her, the patrol slowly made its way back to camp. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Soarpaw being carried on Whitestorm's strong shoulders.

"I-Is she okay?" Hopeflame rasped just as a cough erupted from her shivering frame.

"She'll be fine," Brambleclaw told her. "Focus on walking."

Before long, the patrol appeared in the TigerClan camp. All of the healers were gathered around Hopeflame and Soarpaw. She was still shivering and the crowding didn't help with the shock.

"Everyone back up!" That voice was Brambleclaw's.

"Come on, Hopeflame," Mapleheart led her back to the healers den while Whitestorm carried Soarpaw.

The healer den was sheltered from the wind and snow. Makeshift nests made out of moss were ready for Hopeflame and Soarpaw. Hopeflame was laid down in one of the nests. The four healers, Barkface, Mudfur, Runningnose, and Mapleheart, were kept busy. Brambleclaw remained at Hopeflame's side while Tawnyfur was at Soarpaw's side.

"Soarpaw will need yarrow for sure," Barkface rasped. "Hopeflame might need some too. After that we'll give them both coltsfoot and tansy."

"They need to be warmed," Mudfur added. "Lick their fur the wrong way."

Only half-conscious, Hopeflame could feel two tongues combing her coat. Mapleheart appeared in front of her with a foul-smelling herb. "Eat this." Hopeflame chewed the herb and swallowed it. Almost immediately she started puking up whatever water remained.

A few moments later, Runningnose offered her two different herbs. She ate them and almost immediately fell asleep. Before she dozed off, she could hear Brambleclaw's voice speaking to her.

"I won't let you die, Hopeflame." He promised. His breath was warm on her face. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."

Then she fell asleep.

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