Chapter 5

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The three days were up and their time away from TigerClan was over. Hopeflame entered into the nursery to see what the queens needed help with. Darkflower was curled around her three kits as they napped. Her gaze softened upon seeing the sleeping kits, and she found herself silently wishing for kits of her own.

"Good morning, Hopeflame." Cinderpelt purred. The dark gray she-cat was trying to seem happy, but Hopeflame saw deep down that she was miserable. Her blue eyes were filled with sadness.

"Darkflower," Hopeflame addressed the black queen. "Do you need help carrying your kits?"

"We'll help her," Ferncloud answered first. "There's me, Cinderpelt,  Brightflower, and Featherstream."

Hopeflame nodded, "Alright, why don't you all come outside. We're preparing to leave any moment now." She backed out of the nursery and turned to find everyone else waiting.

Brambleclaw stood at the head of the group and he spoke quietly with Swiftwind. Thornclaw and Fawnstep sat with Ravenpaw, Cloverpaw, and Hollypaw. From behind her, the queens exited the nursery with Darkflower's kits in tow.

"I think we're all set, Brambleclaw," Hopeflame mewed. She stood in front of the clan deputy respectfully but distanced. They had sort of said their apologies after their argument, but she still felt a little awkward around him.

Pain filled Brambleclaw's amber gaze at the realization that they still weren't on the best of terms. "Alright everyone, let's move out. If anyone needs to stop and rest just let me know."

The dark brown tabby tom took the lead out of the TigerClan camp. Hopeflame glanced over her shoulder at the camp one last time. This was where she had grown up and all of her kithood memories were here. This camp is where she had first developed a crush on Brambleclaw. She told herself that this wouldn't be forever and she could visit anytime she wanted.

"Are you okay?" Brambleclaw suddenly asked her, making her jump.

"You startled me!" Hopeflame hissed, but then she realized he was just concerned. She wondered if she should tell him about the tom she met. "I don't know...I think I saw my father's spirit."

Brambleclaw frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Hopeflame glanced over her shoulder at the group following them. None of them were within earshot. "I mean that I meet a cat that looks exactly like Graystripe, except for his eyes. They're green, like mine." Their pelts brushed against the undergrowth as they walked side by side on the narrow path.

Brambleclaw glanced over his shoulder to make sure no one could overhear. Then he ducked his head down to talk quietly. "Exactly? There are a lot of gray cats in the world, Hopeflame." He sounded patronizing and it made her blood boil.

"No, Brambleclaw," Hopeflame hissed quietly. "He was the spitting image of Graystripe, dorsal stripe and all." She wondered how that could be. Were they related? Even Stormblaze didn't look exactly like Graystripe.

"Maybe you just imagined those similarities?" Brambleclaw suggested. "I mean, you've only just buried Graystripe." He must've seen the look of horror on her face at his blunt words and quickly apologized. "Sorry..."

"Whatever," Hopeflame growled bitterly. She flattened her ears and narrowed her eyes at Brambleclaw. "I thought you would at least try to understand."

She fell back to walk alongside Thornclaw, leaving Brambleclaw alone in the lead. Her former mentor gave her a knowing look. The golden-brown warrior heaved a sigh before speaking. "Are you alright, Hopeflame?"

"I'm fine," Hopeflame lied. She didn't want to open her heart to anyone right now.

So she walked alongside Thornclaw in silence and studied the forest around her. It was just past sunset and darkness was taking over the forest. The shadows took over the forest floor, making it cool to the touch. Her russet pelt appeared darker in the shadows, but her green eyes still shone brightly.

Overhead, through the tree canopy, she could see Silverpelt and the moon shining brightly against the inky black sky. Hopeflame looked up just as a streak flew across the sky, a falling star. Chills ran down her spine and she wondered if it was a cat falling from StarClan, assuming they existed.

Up ahead Hopeflame saw the four tall oaks rise above the rest of the trees. Brambleclaw led the group towards the entrance which Hopeflame realized must be the only entrance now. The closer they got, Hopeflame couldn't stop staring.

In the matter of three days, Tigerstar had turned Fourtrees into a fortress. Tall walls of brambles and rocks connected the four oaks and expanded out further to leave room for dens. When they entered into the camp, Hopeflame's jaw dropped at the size of the dens. TigerClan cats milled around, adding the finishing touches, even the RiverClan cats were hard at work.

"Wow," Brightflower breathed, speaking for Hopeflame.

The clan noticed their arrival and Tigerstar approached the group with his head held high. "Goldenflower," Tigerstar called over his shoulder. "Show the queens to the new nursery."

The pale golden tabby she-cat padded over and led Darkflower, Brightflower, Ferncloud, Cinderpelt, and Featherstream away towards a large den on the opposite side of the entrance. To the immediate left, Hopeflame saw what must be the warriors den. TigerClan cats had moved large fallen logs and used them to create a skeleton for the massive shelter. The rest of it was made from brambles.

The apprentice den was like the warriors den, but a little smaller. Hopeflame noticed the healer den to the right. She could tell because of the smell of herbs wafting from it. The healer den was much bigger since now there was more than one healer. Hopeflame turned her attention to the Great Rock. It looked as if Tigerstar had carved out a den beneath the Great Rock, using brambles to make up the rest of it.

Tigerstar leaped up onto the Great Rock and yowled, calling a clan meeting. Cats emerged from all corners of the camp, three clans combined into one. Soon, Hopeflame knew that Tigerstar would have his eyes set on WindClan. Hopeflame watched Brambleclaw move to stand beneath the Great Rock. He looked every bit the deputy he was.

"Cats of TigerClan, we have accomplished much in a few short moons." Tigerstar's voice boomed across the large camp, echoing off of the Great Oaks. "The forest is more united than it's ever been before, and only WindClan stands in the way of complete unity. For now, we will take this time to recuperate and focus on strengthening this clan's bond. But soon...we will rise up and unify the clans forever!"

Cheering erupted from everyone except the RiverClan cats. They still didn't feel like TigerClan cats, but Hopeflame knew that in time they would. ShadowClan, after all, has adjusted well.

"TigerClan! TigerClan!" Hopeflame joined in the cheer, hoping to show her clanmates that she was fully committed. She's probably sacrificed the most for this cause, even more than Tigerstar.

The night air was filled the cheering of TigerClan cats. Their voices shook the night. TigerClan was a force to be reckoned with.

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