Chapter 10

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Hopeflame woke the next morning and almost forgot where she was. Gasping, she sat up lightning fast and looked around in a panic. Then she remembered. She was in WindClan, a spy for Tigerstar.

The russet she-cat emerged from the warriors den and stepped into the pale sunlight. Her russet fur gleamed like fire and her bright green eyes shimmered. She made her way to the fresh-kill pile and saw that there were only rabbits. Well, she's eaten just about every kind of prey in the forest, at least rabbits were familiar.

She plucked one of the smaller rabbits and carried it to the edge of the camp to eat in peace. Hopeflame gnawed on the meat and watched the WindClan cats wake up. Deadfoot was already out and about, sending cats on patrols. There were so few of them compared to TigerClan, it would be nothing to squash them.

It made her seriously wonder why Tigerstar would bother sending her here. If it would be so easy to take over WindClan, then why waste time for information that's not really needed? Did he find amusement in keeping her away from her family? Perhaps he didn't like the idea of her being with his son? But if that were the case, why risk her being killed after everything she's done for TigerClan?

"Hopeflame," Tawnyfur meowed as she padded over. The golden-brown she-cat's amber eyes were alight with energy. Her nimble frame made her seem breakable, but that was probably far from the truth. How was she going to keep up with these cats? "We're going hunting with Whitetail and Gorsefur. They're more willing to open up to you."

She finished the last bit of her rabbit and sat up. Hopeflame licked the blood from her lips and watched a small white she-cat approach with a long-legged tabby tom. "Okay, I'm ready, but don't expect me to keep up."

Tawnyfur purred with amusement. "We'll try to go slow for you."

Hopeflame sprang to her paws and followed Tawnyfur to meet Whitetail and Gorsefur halfway. Whitetail offered her a friendly nod while Gorsefur didn't even glance at her. Oh well, there were worse things he could do. They left the camp together but almost immediately the WindClan cats broke into a run.

She sprinted to catch up, but her body was not made for running. Their bodies were sleek with long legs in proportion to their frames with short coats that minimized friction with the wind. Her body was made for climbing and even for swimming. Hopeflame shared the strong hindquarters from the old ThunderClan blood and long fur meant to blend in with the shadows. WindClan was the last place she belonged.

The WindClan cats slowed down a little which allowed her to catch up. In broad daylight it was easier to notice slight differences in landscape. They passed a small stream that fell from a short, rocky, spring-fed waterfall. By the waterfall was one single tree that stood alone in the barren landscape. Hopeflame missed the forests in TigerClan.

"Where are we going?" She asked Whitetail.

Whitetail didn't look at her and answered while they moved at a brisk pace. "Towards Barley's farm. He let us hunt there once in a while. Another patrol was sent to the rabbit warrens."

Hopeflame faintly remembered Graystripe talking about Barley. He was the tom that had taken in Ravenpaw after he fled ThunderClan and Tigerstar's murderous rampage. Perhaps she could find answers there and maybe even ask Barley about Graystripe and Fireheart. She yearned for a better understanding of the events that led to TigerClan and Tigerstar's reign. Ravenpaw was the last one that knew what happened.

She happily followed the WindClan cats across the moors. They passed a small cluster of trees and in the distance, she could see a line of trees. Tawnyfur explained that Barley's farm was just past those trees. Tallstar and Barley were actually good friends, Tawnyfur had told her.

When they reached the tree line, Hopeflame relaxed a little. She felt safe finally underneath the canopy and among the shade. The WindClan cats seemed much more reserved and nervous under the trees. For the first time since she's arrived in WindClan, she felt superior.

The trees thinned up ahead to reveal a clearing. On the other side of the clearing was a large abandoned twoleg shelter. It didn't look like a regular den in the twolegplace. Tawnyfur led the way across the clearing to the barn entrance.

"Tawnyfur, Whitetail, Gorsefur!" From the shadows of the barn, a black and white tom appeared. His eyes seemed friendly and his body posture told Hopeflame that he was relaxed. He didn't seem hostile at all.

"Barley," Tawnyfur purred. "We came to visit and possibly bring back a few mice."

"Of course, anything for WindClan." Barley answered in a calm tone. Then he peered past the WindClan cats at her. "A newcomer?" He wrinkled his nose. "She doesn't smell like WindClan or any clan I know."

Hopeflame flattened her ears, slightly offended. "I come from TigerClan. I joined WindClan only yesterday to escape. My name is Hopeflame."

Tawnyfur nodded to reassure Barley. "She's a refugee. It seems that Tigerstar's grip has reached into RiverClan."

"RiverClan is dead?" A new voice spoke from the shadows. A pair of eyes blinked at her which alarmed her. Then a body claimed the pair of eyes and emerged from the shadows of the barn. This tom was sleek and all black except for the white tip at the end of his tail.

Hopeflame's heart lurched as she realized who stood before her. This must be Ravenpaw. It was strange seeing him face to face, she imagined him a bit more...rugged. He had a kind face but a few scars criss-crossed his pelt.

She was the one who answered him. "I first escaped to RiverClan but then TigerClan Merged with them. It forced me to seek out WindClan."

Ravenpaw blinked his eyes slowly as he seemed to be trying to grasp the truth. "WindClan is all that stands between Tigerstar and this farm." He spun on Barley, a fearful fire in his eyes. "He'll kill me!"

"I won't let that happen, Ravenpaw," Barley whispered to the younger tom. Then he turned to the WindClan visitors. "Please, come inside. I've many questions."


Ravenpaw :( I still miss him from the first arc. Please vote/comment.

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