Chapter 9

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Hopeflame felt exactly like a prisoner the way Webfoot and the rest of the patrol paraded her into the WindClan camp. Every head turned upon their arrival and some cats hissed or cursed at her. They must smell her TigerClan scent because more cats emerge from the dens which looked to Hopeflame like rabbit burrows.

At the center of camp was a flat stone that Hopeflame imagined was where Tallstar called clan meetings. The WindClan leader was nowhere in sight. Deadfoot, the WindClan deputy, approached the patrol with his hackles raised. They all seemed on edge, she realized.

"Why have you brought a TigerClan cat to our camp?" Deadfoot snarled, showing off his fangs. He took a threatening step forward and all the warriors of WindClan rallied behind him.

Webfoot flattened his ears in response. "She wants to talk to Tallstar."

"I say that we throw her out and feed her to the buzzards!" A white tom hissed. He seemed awfully young, maybe recently made a warrior.

The crowd parted and all the WindClan cats dipped their heads to whoever pushed through. A long-legged black and white tom stepped from the crowd, his head held high and long tail raised. Tallstar.

"Webfoot, what is the meaning of this?" Tallstar questioned, his voice even and calculated despite the fear Hopeflame glimpsed in his eyes.

Onewhisker and Breezetail shoved her forward so that she fell at the paws of the WindClan leader. She could hear the jeering of the WindClan cats and feared for her life. Weren't WindClan cats supposed to be welcoming? It seemed that the recent changes in the forest have pushed them over the edge.

"Hopeflame, what a surprise," Tallstar scowled. "On your paws, TigerClan rat!"

She scrambled to her paws and stood, soaking and shaking, in front of Tallstar. All the eyes of WindClan focused on her and she knew they were probably imagining all the ways they could kill her. Hopeflame managed to stand tall despite their glares and attempted to speak with dignity.

"Tallstar, we met once before when I came with Crookedstar to strike an alliance. I was only an apprentice then and RiverClan welcomed me into their midst." She began slowly, her voice shaking slightly. They needed to believe her story.

"And look what's happened to RiverClan because of her!" It was Crowfeather to speak this time. The black tom meet her gaze with cold blue eyes.

Tallstar narrowed his eyes. "Continue."

She took a deep breath. "I sought out RiverClan because I was afraid. TigerClan scared me and I didn't want to live in fear. When I was with RiverClan, I found happiness and acceptance. Then TigerClan attacked RiverClan and they Merged. Tigerstar allowed me to live because his son, Brambleclaw, was in love with me."

Hopeflame allowed her voice to shake, to show them the scared young she-cat she was pretending to be. It wasn't all a lie. "I tried to tell Brambleclaw that I didn't love him and he attacked me. That's where all these scratches came from. Then I ran for my life."

She looked up at Tallstar daringly. "Please, if WindClan would allow me, I'd like to join your clan."

Silence followed. No cat spoke and Hopeflame held her breath. If they didn't believe her story, then she was done for. They had to believe her. Tigerstar said there would be consequences if she failed.

"You can't seriously believe that!" Crowfeather spoke up again. "She's a liar, Tallstar. TigerClan cats lie. Look what they did to ShadowClan and RiverClan; they'll do it to us too!"

Tallstar's amber gaze fell on her, filled with so many questions. She could see a war waging in his heart. He wanted to believe her, to help a cat in need...but he also had to protect his clan, and a spy amongst them could ruin their clan. Hopeflame prayed to something, anything, that Tallstar would believe her.

"Hopeflame...I sympathize with you, but I'm not sure that WindClan can take the chance of you living amongst us." Tallstar meowed evenly as he tried to hide his emotions.

"Please, Tallstar," She begged. "You're my last hope, don't send me back to TigerClan! Tigerstar will kill me!"

A golden-brown she-cat came to Tallstar's shoulder. Her eyes were filled with sympathy. "Come on, Tallstar. We can keep a close eye on her until she proves herself." The she-cat turned to her with curiosity. "We can't turn her away, StarClan would be upset."

Tallstar's shoulders heaved as he breathed out a long sigh. "Very well, Hopeflame, you can stay. But if you prove me wrong or break my trust, I will kill you myself. Are we clear?"

Hopeflame nodded and promised. "I understand, Tallstar."

"Your first few days here, you'll shadow Tawnyfur. Think of her as your mentor. You're not allowed to leave the camp without her." Tallstar meowed, blinking in affection at the she-cat named Tawnyfur. She guessed that they were mates.

"Of course, anything you say." Hopeflame saw the scowling WindClan cats become indifferent. They wouldn't disobey their leader. Over time, she knew that she would win them over. "You have my word."


A shorter chapter but please vote/comment!

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