Chapter 12

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A few days passed in WindClan and Hopeflame worked hard to earn their trust. After all the running it made her faster and she lost any hint of extra weight. She wasn't fat, she was far from it, but all the running made her leaner than she ever had been. Tawnyfur was a good mentor and was patient while teaching Hopeflame how to hunt on the moors.

Runningbrook, the clan's only queen, kitted and had four kits: three daughters and one son. Unfortunately, the tom-kit died soon after, leaving Runningbrook and Onewhisker distraught. The clan mourned him for a whole night in vigil; it was a sad thing to loose a kit.

Hopeflame didn't join them, she didn't feel that she had a right to. Not only that, but they kept asking for StarClan to watch over Swiftkit (Runningbrook felt she had to name him). She knew that Sandstorm believe in StarClan but she wasn't sure. If that were true, then why would StarClan allow Tigerstar to become leader?

Morningflower also joined the elders den which dumbfounded Hopeflame. TigerClan had no elders and to think a cat could just decide that they were too old to serve... It confused her beyond words.

Hopeflame was set to meet her contact at the border tonight. She had much to tell them. WindClan still watched her with unease and she couldn't blame them. After all, she knew what was coming and they had a reason to not trust her. She would end up betraying them just like RiverClan.

She watched the clan turn in for the night, settled in the shadows at the edge of the hollow. Tornear was on night watch and stood at the camp entrance. There was only one way out of the camp and that meant she would need to pass by him. Hopeflame waited until much of the clan was asleep.

Quietly, Hopeflame crept towards the camp entrance and Tornear spun on her. "Oops, sorry, Tornear. I didn't mean to startle you," She meowed softly. "I need to use the dirtplace."

He narrowed his eyes at her but let her pass. She slunk out of camp and raced away when he wasn't looking. Hopeflame flew over the moors, feeling like a flying eagle. She personally couldn't wait until the moors were a part of TigerClan's territory. It surprised Hopeflame how much she enjoyed to run without any trees to dodge.

She crested the top of the hill and looked down. The ground sloped down into the forests where she knew her contact would be waiting. Hopeflame approached the tree line confidently, knowing that no one had followed her.

A pair of amber eyes blinked at her from the shadows. Brambleclaw? The cat to step from the shadows was not Brambleclaw. It was Tigerstar. It startled Hopeflame how similar he looked to his son.

"Hello, Hopeflame." Tigerstar purred. "I hope that you have something to report?"

Slowly, she nodded, but she would not tell him about Ravenpaw. "WindClan has asked a group of loners to fight alongside them in battle. They're readying themselves, knowing that we're coming for them." Hopeflame rolled her green eyes and put on a show. "They're too proud to submit without spilled blood, but it will be their blood to be spilled."

A wicked grin found Tigerstar's lips. "Excellent. And they trust you?"

"They're wary, but they trust me enough." She reported, and a question lingered in her mind. "Tigerstar, may I ask you a question?"

Tigerstar's whiskers twitched and he unsheathed his claws. "That depends."

"Well, WindClan could never pose a threat to TigerClan. There's nothing they could do that would change the odds in their favor..." Hopeflame paused and looked up at the powerful tom. "My question is: why send me to WindClan at all?"

Tigerstar pretended to ponder her question. He already knew the answer but was holding back. "You have been honest with me, Hopeflame, and so I'll be honest with you. I sent you to WindClan as a test."

"A test?" She wondered.

The dark brown tabby tom dipped his powerful head. "After the Merge with RiverClan, it was obvious how torn you were. I thought that finding out that your father was Graystripe might've shaken your loyalties. It was necessary for me to see if you would follow my orders despite what you felt."

"TigerClan doesn't need intel, but I found it a fitting test." Tigerstar's amber eyes gleamed, reflecting the moonlight. "I see the way you are with Brambleclaw. He is my son, my legacy, and I guess that I wanted to protect that. If you two were to have kits, I had to know for sure that you would choose him, choose TigerClan."

Tigerstar dipped his head to her. "I now know that you are good enough for Brambleclaw. If he weren't my deputy, I would choose you."

Hopeflame's jaw hung agape in shock. It surprised her, all the things that Tigerstar told her. She knew it all along that being in WindClan was pointless. To hear the powerful TigerClan leader compliment her so left her feeling uncomfortable as she remembered all the times she nearly did turn her back on TigerClan.

"T-Thank you, Tigerstar," She dipped her head. "I am honored to serve TigerClan." Then she lifted her eyes. "When can I come home?"

Tigerstar's shoulders shook as he chuckled. "When WindClan Merges. I still need you there for intel." He gave her a sideways glance. "When TigerClan attacks, I want you to take Tallstar's life."

Hopeflame's heart sunk. Her mind flew back to the RiverClan Merge. Tigerstar had made her take Crookedstar's life. The look of betrayal on the RiverClan leader's face broke her heart. That day had left her broken and she didn't know if she would ever truly heal from the wounds in her heart.

"He has two lives left." Hopeflame told Tigerstar, a slight quiver in her voice.

"Perfect, one for you and one for Brambleclaw." Tigerstar purred. "TigerClan attacks the night of the first snowfall."

Hopeflame nodded, "Very well, I'll meet the clan here at moonhigh the night of the first snowfall."

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