Chapter 27

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Hopeflame woke up sometime during the night in a sweat. Her eyes snapped open only to be greeted with the darkness of night. Brambleclaw was fast asleep beside her, his chest rising and falling ever so softly. She watched him for a moment, amazed by the absolute serenity.

"Don't wake him." Hopeflame nearly jumped out of her fur at the sudden voice. Stepping from the darkest shadows was Mapleheart. Her ginger and white tabby pelt made her appear like half a ghost in the dark. "He only just fell asleep. He's...he's been keeping an eye on you."

Hopeflame glanced at Brambleclaw just as he snored softly. She leaned over and licked his cheek delicately. Then she looked back at Mapleheart who was watching them with deep fascination. It's been a while since the two sisters have been alone together. Last time it hadn't ended well.

"I'm sorry for scratching you," Hopeflame admitted. "I don't know what came over me."

"I understand," Mapleheart murmured. The small she-cat came to sit beside her in the dimness. "Brambleclaw seems to really care for you."

Hopeflame smiled and warmth spilled from her heart. "I love him."

"Even after everything that Tigerstar made you do?" Mapleheart stared at her in profound confusion. "He is Tigerstar's son."

"That doesn't mean that he is Tigerstar," Hopeflame reminded her. "He's...different. When I'm around him, I feel invincible. He makes me brave."

"You were brave before, Hopeflame." Mapleheart mewed softly. She stood up to walk away. "Get some more sleep."

Hopeflame curled up tighter in her nest and closed her eyes. She could hear Brambleclaw's soft snoring and the raspy breath of Soarpaw. Sleep enveloped her like a shadow. Soon she was unconscious again.


Hopeflame opened her green eyes to find the healer den empty except for her and Soarpaw. The apprentice was still sleeping, but she looked better than she did. It made Hopeflame feel good that she was able to save her. No one else on that patrol could've swam to fetch her. She silently thanked Graystripe for teaching her those valuable skills.

A shadow fell across the den. Brambleclaw stood silhouetted against the bright light. He dropped the mouse he had in his jaws to bound over to her. "Hopeflame, you're awake!"

They nuzzled each other and their purrs filled the healer den. Hopeflame still felt a little chilled, but she knew that she would be alright. Especially with Brambleclaw at her side.

"I was so worried about you." Brambleclaw murmured. "If anything happened to you..."

"I'm alright, Brambleclaw." She assured him softly. "I'm right here."

For what felt like forever, they stayed like that. Hopeflame felt that if she let go of him, he'd disappear. She never wanted to lose him. Not ever. Brambleclaw's presence calmed her.

"I brought you a mouse." Brambleclaw padded over to pick up the mouse from where he dropped it. "I thought, I don't know, that you might be hungry?"

At the thought of food, Hopeflame's stomach growled. Brambleclaw set the mouse at her paws and she wasted no time tearing into it. The mouse was still somewhat warm-someone had recently caught it. She finished it quickly and then laid her head down. Her body was exhausted after yesterday.

"I had a dream while I was unconscious," Hopeflame stated suddenly as the memory popped up. She could still remember the feel of Graystripe's fur, the look in his eyes... It had felt so real, almost as if it hadn't been a dream at all.

"Yeah? What about?" Brambleclaw wondered as he settled down at her side.

Hopeflame took a deep breath. "I dreamed about Graystripe."

A couple heartbeats passed before Brambleclaw said anything. "Really? What'd he say?"

"That he missed me and Featherstream." Hopeflame snuggled closer to Brambleclaw so she could enjoy his warmth. "He kept talking about the Moonstone for some reason. Then I woke up."

"The Moonstone?" Brambleclaw glanced at her with confusion. "Why would he want you to visit the Moonstone? It's just a glowing rock in a cave."

Hopeflame shrugged. "He made it sound important." She laid her head on Brambleclaw's front paws. He gently licked her forehead. "I miss him. And Stormblaze." She suddenly raised her eyes to him. There was great pain in her eyes. "Is it my fault that Stormblaze is dead?"

"No," Brambleclaw replied strongly. "He made his choice, and that choice was to save you from traitors."

Hopeflame signed and laid her head back down. "Featherstream says that I should be dead instead of Stormblaze." She was starting to feel kind of loopy, probably because of the traumatic events yesterday. "She blames me, lots of cats do."

"None of this is your fault, Hopeflame." Brambleclaw whispered as she started to drift off. "You did what you had to for your clan."

"I didn't do it for the clan," Hopeflame said as her eyes closed. "I did it for you..."

Then she was asleep once more.

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