Chapter 8

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Last night, Hopeflame said her goodbyes. She ate with Sandstorm, Brambleclaw, Owlgaze, and Maplepaw. Even Featherstream joined them towards the end. Her half-brother was nowhere in sight, probably "blowing off steam", as Featherstream put it. Hopeflame fell asleep underneath the stars with Brambleclaw at her side.

Her head rested on his chest and his body curled around hers. "When you return, we're going to finally have kits of our own, Hopeflame. They'll grow strong and brave, just like their parents."

Hopeflame purred at the visual he gave her. "I would like that, Brambleclaw." Then they fell asleep together.


Morning finally came and Brambleclaw prodded her awake. "Wake up, sleepyhead. It's time to go."

She opened her forest green eyes and sat up. Tigerstar sat atop the Great Rock and jumped down when he saw her awaken. "Good morning, Hopeflame. Brambleclaw and Owlgaze will be walking you to the border. They're going to scratch you and make you look beaten up. You're to tell WindClan that you tried to escape and live in RiverClan but after the Merge you were brought back to TigerClan. Tell them that you want to seek refuge in WindClan."

Hopeflame nodded, understanding the lie. "I understand. I won't let you down."

Tigerstar nodded his head, "We'll see about that. Your mission is to gain their trust and information." He nodded to Brambleclaw and Owlgaze whom she hadn't noticed sneak up beside her. "Don't disappoint me, Hopeflame. Or there will be consequences."

She became rigid and glanced at Brambleclaw from the corner of her eye. Those consequences could very well mean the death of everyone she cared about. He was using her like a secret weapon...again. And there was nothing she could do about it.

"Let's go," Brambleclaw meowed, nudging her. She followed him with her brother at her side. As they left the camp, she gave a nod to Sandstorm and Maplepaw. Then she passed Stormblaze.

Her half-brother's amber eyes were cold. He intercepted her, blocking her from following Brambleclaw and Owlgaze. The dark gray warrior leaned in close to whisper in her ear. His warm breath tickled her ear and she could hear his heartbeat.

"If you do this, Hopeflame, you've lost me forever." Stormblaze warned her in a voice that could bring leaf-bare.

She swallowed her sorrow and met his gaze. "Goodbye, Stormblaze." That was the hardest thing she's ever had to do, to walk away from her brother.

The long-haired russet she-cat dashed out of the camp and followed the two toms in front of her. They had paused once they realized she wasn't following them. Owlgaze gave her a look. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Hopeflame lied, keeping her voice light as a feather. "Someone just wanted to say goodbye." Forever.

The three young warriors traveled quickly through the forest, their pace never wavering. Hopeflame brought up the rear and glanced over her shoulder every now and then. She half-hoped that Stormblaze would appear, asking for forgiveness. But she knew that it was foolish, she's lost him forever. He wasn't just her half-brother...he was her friend.

They followed the path that led to the border. Beyond the trees, Hopeflame could glimpse the moors. She felt a sudden bout of nerves. It had been easier to fake being a RiverClan cat, but WindClan was different. Their world was on the moors where there were no trees, no shelter, and strong winds.

"This is as far as we go," Brambleclaw announced. They stood on the edge of the border, hidden in the trees. The TigerClan deputy turned his eyes on her with sadness. "I'll be waiting for you, Hopeflame. When you come home, I'll be the first to welcome you."

Hopeflame stepped towards him and buried her face in his chest fur. "I love you, Brambleclaw." Then she moved to her brother. "Take care of Sandstorm and Maplepaw."

Owlgaze's face was grim, but he tried to act brave for her. "Of course, Hopeflame." He nuzzled her cheek and she returned the gesture.

Then she prepared herself for what would come next. Brambleclaw's claws slashed across her face, drawing blood. She hissed from the pain and wobbled a little. "I'm so sorry!" He obviously didn't like that he had to do this to her.

"Get me across the shoulders," She asked bravely. This time, Owlgaze left his mark. She screeched and pulled away. Her russet fur now stained crimson. "It's time."

Hopeflame gave each of them one last goodbye before stepping out of the trees. It might be a while before she steps underneath the forest canopy again. She shivered at the thought, suddenly feeling very cold. One last glance back to Brambleclaw and Owlgaze allowed her to watch them slip away into the shadows.

She had a general idea of where to go. The WindClan camp couldn't be too hard to find, there were no trees to hide it! Hopeflame made her way across the moors and quickly got lost. Everything looked the same up here on the moors!

Hopeflame flattened her ears against her head as the wind became stronger. The wind buffeted against her and her long fur whipped in the wind. She felt like she might blow away. Where was the camp?

Over the horizon, Hopeflame saw a flicker of motion. She lifted her eyes and saw four shapes appear. They were definitely WindClan cats, not shy about revealing themselves. From this distance, she couldn't recognize any of them.

Then the started running. The WindClan cats raced towards her and ran as fast as the wind. Hopeflame fluffed out her thick pelt in alarm. She hoped that they would at least let her explain herself. It had started to rain and blood now ran down her fur to leave a trail on the grass.

As the four cats got closer, Hopeflame recognized them as Webfoot, Onewhisker, Breezetail, and Soarpaw. The leader of the patrol, Webfoot-a dark gray tabby tom, approached her first. He bared his fangs at her in a warning and hissed.

"What are you doing on WindClan land, TigerClan cat?" Webfoot demanded as his tail lashed. Onewhisker, a small light brown tabby tom, stepped forward to stand at Webfoot's shoulder. Breezetail, a cream-colored she-cat, stood at Webfoot's flank with her young apprentice at her side. Together, they presented a strong, formidable front.

"I-I need to talk to Tallstar," She whimpered, hoping that she looked terrified. The rain made if easier since she looked like a half-drowned rat and had blood staining her fur. "My name is Hopeflame..."

"We know who you are." Breezetail hissed, studying Hopeflame with an uneasy stare. "You're the she-cat that joined RiverClan. How did that work out for you?"

Hopeflame tightly shut her eyes at Breezetail's harsh words. She remembered very clearly what had happened and now she seemed doomed to repeat. "Please, WindClan is my last hope."

"Why should we trust you?" Webfoot growled, "RiverClan is gone now and you're back with TigerClan!"

"I was their prisoner," She whispered, barely audible under the rain. "I'll explain everything, but only in front of Tallstar."

The three WindClan warriors exchanged wary glances, but the black and white apprentice kept her blue eyes on her. Webfoot was the first to turn back towards her. "Very well, we'll take you to Tallstar. But you are our prisoner."

She nodded her head in understanding. Onewhisker and Breezetail came to stand on either side of her while Webfoot led the way. Soarpaw trailed behind and the patrol headed over the moors towards the WindClan camp.

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