Chapter 17

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When Hopeflame, Deadfoot, and Tornear returned to the camp, Tallstar was there to meet them. With Barley, Ravenpaw, Free, Rosie, and Sunny at their side the clan curiously gathered around. Hopeflame noticed Runningbrook's three daughters emerge from the nursery only to be ushered back inside by their father, Onewhisker.

Tallstar dipped his head to Barley as he would another clan leader. "My old friend, thank you for coming." The two black and white toms could've been mistaken for kin, they looked so similar.

Barley stood tall and proud with Ravenpaw at his side. "WindClan is all that stands in between Tigerstar and my farm. We will fight to protect our home."

Tallstar motioned for Webfoot and Tawnyfur to step forward. "Webfoot and Tawnyfur will show you where you'll be stay. They'll make sure you're comfortable." The tall WindClan leader nodded to Barley and his family as Webfoot and Tawnyfur led them to the makeshift den.

Hopeflame watched them disappear into the den with a chilled feeling of foreshadow crawling up her spine. The first snowfall wasn't far off, and when that came, she would be forced to fight. She hasn't spent as much time in WindClan as she did in RiverClan, but she still respected these cats. How could Tigerstar expect her to take Tallstar's life?

But Hopeflame knew that she had to obey. If she failed Tigerstar, then she would surely be marked a traitor and killed. All that she's worked for with Brambleclaw would be over before it's even started. She couldn't fail Tigerstar, not now. It was almost over.

"Hopeflame," Skybreeze padded over with Breezetail at her side. The cream-colored she-cat still acted aloof around Hopeflame, but she knew that not everyone would like her. As long as they didn't suspect her. "Do you want to come hunting with me and Breezetail?"

With nothing else to do, Hopeflame nodded. "Alright." She followed the blue-gray she-cat towards where Breezetail waited.

The three she-cats exited the camp and Hopeflame turned her eyes up to the gray sky. Clouds gathered overhead and blocked the sun behind their large plumes. Wind whipped against her face as she raced after Skybreeze and Breezetail who were already heading for the rabbit warrens. Her paws dutifully carried her across the moors. She was grateful for her long fur because it kept her warm in this wind.

Over the crest of the moors, Hopeflame saw the rabbit warrens. She trotted forward to stand alongside Skybreeze and Breezetail. Her sharp eyes spotted a rabbit in the distance as it nibbled on some grass. Hopeflame unsheathed her claws and dug them into the dirt.

"Skybreeze and I will come around the far side and we'll direct it towards you, Hopeflame," Breezetail decided.

Hopeflame settled down in the grass and made herself nearly invisible. She watched Skybreeze and Breezetail race in a big circle to come around the other side of the rabbit. They were careful to stay out of the rabbit's sight and it didn't even notice them.

In the blink of an eye, Skybreeze and Breezetail appeared and startled the rabbit. It took off in Hopeflame's direction and she prepared herself. When it neared closer, Hopeflame pounced and pinned it down beneath her thorn-sharp claws. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Skybreeze pin a second rabbit that they hadn't noticed.

Breezetail stopped at Hopeflame's side and took a moment to catch her breath. "Nice catch! Two rabbits will certainly be a nice addition to the fresh-kill pile. Let's head back, one of these rabbits should be given to our new guests."

Hopeflame nodded in agreement and picked up the rabbit by its neck while Skybreeze carried the other. For a moment, Hopeflame's green gaze wandered over to the TigerClan border. WindClan had no idea the bloodbath they would be walking into. It would be easier if they just submitted.

There was a chill in the air and Hopeflame knew that the first snowfall wasn't far off. Then the moors would be painted crimson with blood.


Sorry for the long wait, I was struggling with writer's block. I haven't given up on this story and I plan to see it all the way through.

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