Chapter 16

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Her green eyes flashed and surveyed her surroundings. The forest around her offered little light and darkness seemed to creep towards her. Hopeflame's fur stood on end, spooked by the circling shadows. She remembered the last time she was here and shivered when she thought of the mysterious black tom.


Movement out of the corner of her eye made her jump. "Who's there?" Her voice quivered and she flattened her ears, slowly backing away.

Suddenly, the black tom stepped from the shadows. His eyes gleamed in the pale light as he took a step towards her. "Hopeflame. It's been a while."

"What do you want?" She growled, arching her back and flattening her ears.

"I want to reminded you of your promise to me, Hopeflame." The black tom growled, stepping so close that our faces were a whisker-length apart. "When the Merge is complete, I'll return.."

He faded like mist, his eyes being the last thing she saw before she woke up.


Dawn came quickly and Hopeflame woke as the first rays of sunshine peeked into the den. She stretched and stepped into the sunlight. She tried to push her dream far from her mind. Deadfoot and Tornear sat outside the leaders den and conversed quietly with Tallstar. Hopeflame waited patiently and groomed her ears while she waited.

The WindClan deputy and warrior finished their conversation with Tallstar and walked over to her. "Ready?" Deadfoot mewed.

She leaped to her paws and followed them out of camp. Frost clung to the grass and their breath lingered in the air like fog. Hopeflame shivered and puffed out her thick pelt. She had an advantage over all the WindClan cats.

Leaf-bare wasn't far off. Soon the world would be blanketed in snow and WindClan's time would come crashing down. TigerClan would be complete. Tigerstar will have become the sole leader of all four clans. Hopeflame could finally be with Brambleclaw.

Deadfoot led the way over the moors, keeping a good pace despite his twisted paw. Hopeflame kept up with him and Tornear, squinting her eyes against the strong winds. The WindClan deputy slowed as they crested the top of the moorland. From here onwards, the ground sloped downwards to the thin tree line separating them from Barley's farm.

Hopeflame's heart twisted in her chest. This was it. She would need to convince Barley, Ravenpaw, Free, and the rest of them to fight with WindClan. Even if she knew it would end in bloodshed. How could she ask her brother to walk into this? She's only just met him and was already asking him to sacrifice everything!

The pair trotted towards the WindClan border. Hopeflame noticed a flicker of motion at the tree line and her fur stood on end. It was Sunny to step from the shadows. The golden tabby tom relaxed at the sight of them.

"Deadfoot, Tornear, Hopeflame, what a pleasant surprise!" Sunny purred, dipping his head in greeting.

"We wish to speak with Barley," Deadfoot mewed, getting to the point.

Sunny blinked in surprise but nodded. "Alright, follow me."

Hopeflame followed behind Deadfoot, Tornear, and Sunny as they approached the barn. Inside, it was considerably warmer and it made sense to Hopeflame why they made this their home. She fluffed out her coat in an attempt to chase off the chills.

From behind the wall of hay, Barley stepped out with Free and Ravenpaw at his side. "WindClan!" Barley meowed in surprise.

Deadfoot greeted the loner and Hopeflame followed his lead. "Hello, Barley. We're here on behalf of Tallstar."

Barley narrowed his eyes, "I see... Come back by the others so we can speak comfortably." He led them behind the hay with Ravenpaw and Free at their flanks.

Hopeflame's eyes widened in surprise. In the curve of Maisie's belly were four tiny kits. At her side were Oliver and Butterfly. Rosie lay curled in the hay not far off, and the tortoiseshell she-cat raised her head when they appeared.

"Hopeflame!" Butterfly purred, jumping to her paws. "What a pleasant surprise! Hello Deadfoot and Tornear!"

"Wow," Hopeflame breathed with her green eyes fixed on the kits. "They're beautiful, Maisie..."

Seeing the kits made her remember Brambleclaw's promise to her. After all she's been through, it couldn't be too much to ask for a family? She wanted kits with Brambleclaw, to watch them grow into strong TigerClan warriors.

"So what is it that Tallstar wants from us?" Barley asked abruptly, settling down beside his mate.

Deadfoot cleared his throat and Hopeflame sat between the WindClan deputy and Tornear. "WindClan is on his alert. We are expecting TigerClan to attack soon and Tallstar's requested that you move your family into the camp as a precaution."

Barley nodded in understanding. "That will be difficult, Deadfoot. With Maisie's newborns I'm not sure if we can risk moving them."

"Then she can stay here with Butterfly." Deadfoot suggested, and Hopeflame heard the desperation in his voice.

Apparently, so did Barley because he looked upon the WindClan deputy in a new light. "Alright, I'll send Ravenpaw, Sunny, Free, Rosie, and myself." He turned his gaze to his daughter's mate. "Oliver, I want you to stay here with Maisie and Butterfly. To protect them."

It surprised Hopeflame how much Barley sounded like a leader. It made her realize how far the loner would go to protect his farm and family. Deadfoot rose to his paws and Hopeflame prepared to follow him.

"Maisie," Hopeflame asked the black queen. "What are the names of your kits?" She was curious.

Maisie answered eagerly. "Oliver and I've named them Luna, Hawk, Shadow, and Lion."

"Those are wonderful names," Hopeflame forced a smile before turning and following Deadfoot and Tornear. Behind them were Barley, Ravenpaw, Free, Rosie, and Sunny. She was leading them to their death.

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