Chapter 3

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The total death count included Graystripe, Stumpytail, Wetfoot, Willowpelt, Sootfur, Shadepelt, and Heavystep. While Tigerstar organized the final arrangements for the clan to move, the dead were buried. Hopeflame joined Stormblaze and Featherstream quietly to lay their father to rest. Owlgaze had gone to the TigerClan camp to retrieve Maplepaw so that she could lay eyes on their father for the first and last time. Too bad it had to be his corpse.

Sandstorm joined them as they carried Graystripe out of camp along with the other dead. Stormblaze led the group to a quiet clearing with wildflowers and willow trees surrounding it. He said that Graystripe used to come here a lot to be alone. They set to work digging the grave before carefully lowering him down.

Together, they all covered his stiff body with dirt. When they finished, they circled around his grave and bowed their heads. Hopeflame felt a chill in the air as if she were being watched. She looked up and around but saw nothing.

"Should we say something?" Featherstream whispered.

Stormblaze started: "Graystripe, you were the best father any cat could ask for. You taught me the difference between right and wrong and to stand up for what I believe in."

Featherstream went next: "You always made me laugh when I felt upset. And I'll never forget how you taught me how to swim or the stories you used to tell. I love you."

There was an awkwardness filled with silence and Hopeflame decided to break it. "Graystripe, you saved my life more than once. I'll never forget the things you taught me or how you made me feel safe. I never deserved to have a father as great as you." The russet she-cat lowered her head to hide her emotions. There was so much more she wished she could say...

Sandstorm slowly spoke up: "Graystripe, we grew up together and trained together as apprentices. I know that I was arrogant and I said things to you, Fireheart, and Ravenpaw that I shouldn't have. But I guess that one day I grew up and realized what a great friend could be found in you. When life came crashing down around me, you gave me hope."

After Sandstorm's words, they all became speechless. Hopeflame was close to tears. Her mother's words perfectly explained Graystripe's character. She realized how much she missed him and it made her feel weak. How could she go on without Graystripe? How could any of them go on?

"I didn't know you," Owlgaze murmured. "But I wish that I could have so I don't have the tainted image that's been planted in my mind since kithood. I wish that you weren't gone."

Maplepaw spoke up next, softly, quietly. "I wish that I had known my father."

After they all said their words, they stood there for the longest time. Hopeflame took the time to remember every moment she's had with Graystripe. She felt fortunate compared to Owlgaze and Maplepaw to have known him.

"Let's return," Sandstorm choked out. "It's time to leave."

And so they left the grave of Graystripe.


"Brambleclaw, Hopeflame, Thornclaw, Swiftwind, and Fawnstep, you five will go to the old camp to prepare the queens and kits. Join us in three days at Fourtrees." Tigerstar ordered. "Go now."

Hopeflame stayed at Brambleclaw's flank and they left the RiverClan camp. Thornclaw, Swiftwind, and Fawnstep followed close behind. She trotted at Brambleclaw's shoulder through the forest. When they reached the river, Hopeflame led the charge into the water. Her clanmates followed, but more cautiously.

Her confident strides carried her through the water. She closed her eyes for a moment and remembered the day Graystripe taught her to swim. Or the day she almost drowned and he saved her life. He had loved her from the very beginning, she realized, even before they'd met.

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