Chapter 18

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Something disturbed Hopeflame in her nest and she slowly opened her eyes. There was a deep chill in the air and the wind screeched outside of the den. Hopeflame fluffed out her coat in an attempt to stay warm. Her eyes were tired and she attempted to fall back asleep.

Then a cold feeling came over her like a shadow and she gasped. Her eyes snapped open as she sat up abruptly in her nest. Sitting at the entrance of the den with eyes fixed on her was the black tom. Chills rushed up her spine when her eyes locked with his. For a moment, she was immobile.

The tom stood up and motioned for her to follow. Hopeflame glanced around her at the sleeping WindClan cats to find none of them awake. She cautiously followed the ghostly black tom out of the den only to be blinded by white light.

Large, soft flakes of snow fell from the dark sky overhead to cover the ground underpaw. Hopeflame stood frozen for a moment as she took in the sight. The entire WindClan camp was covered in snow. Leaf-bare was here. It wasn't yet dawn since the sky overhead was as black as the ghostly tom's coat.

"What do you want from me?" Hopeflame hissed under her breath. She directed the question at the black tom who she was becoming annoyed with."You keep bothering me but I don't even know your name!"

The black tom blinked slowly, calmly at her. "You may not yet understand this, Hopeflame, but you've been chosen. The clans are very delicate at the moment as is the balance between good and evil. I'm here to help you make the right decision. The choice is yours, Hopeflame." Almost as an afterthought, he added: "My name is Wrath."

Hopeflame scoffed with suspicion. "Wrath? What kind of name is 'Wrath'? And what do you mean I've been chosen? Who decides these things?"

"All you need to know is that every decision you make from here on out decides the course of history." Wrath narrowed his red eyes as if he was in deep thought. "Place yourself on the right side of history, the side that prevails. Or you could bring the downfall of everyone you love."

Wrath's form began to fade and Hopeflame frantically begged him to stay. She had so many questions! What did any of this mean? Why were these decisions being placed on her shoulders? She just wanted to live a peaceful life with Brambleclaw! Was that too much to ask?

"Hopeflame?" Free appeared behind her from the makeshift den, causing her to jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Don't worry about it," Hopeflame took a deep breath and studied him. Tonight TigerClan would attack. He could die, they all could. She couldn't bear losing anyone she loved, and that included her long-lost brother. "Why are you helping us? Why won't you and the others just leave safely?"

Free's green eyes twinkled with amusement. "What, you think loners can't fight?"

"No!" Hopeflame's pelt burned with embarrassment. "I just...I don't understand why you would fight a battle that's not yours."

"But it is mine, Hopeflame." Free's eyes suddenly held wisdom beyond his years and he spoke in a voice heavy with knowledge. "I'm a clan cat. Besides, what will stop Tigerstar from claiming our farm? No cat will be safe. I'm not just fighting for WindClan, but every cat that's ever been oppressed."

Hopeflame looked upon her brother in a new light. Free was brave, not just brave but valiant. Just like Graystripe. He was willing to put his life on the line to help those less fortunate than him. She didn't know many cats that would do that.

"You're an honorable cat, Free." Hopeflame murmured, but she couldn't look him in the eye. "Our father would've been proud of you."

Free's eyes clouded with sorrow and regret. "What was he like?"

"Graystripe?" Hopeflame's mind filled with memories of him. Her heart became heavy with grief. "He was witty and valiant. It was hard not to admire him. He saved me from drowning once. But he was also compassionate and funny-he could brighten the darkest day with his humor."

"He sounds wonderful." Free purred with a tinge of jealousy. "What did he look like?"

For a moment, Hopeflame just stared at him. "He...he looked a lot like you and our half-brother, Stormblaze. Just with amber eyes."

They sat there, sharing stories of their separate lives. Hopeflame told him all about Sandstorm, Owlgaze, Maplepaw, Stormblaze, and Featherstream. She told him about the games she would play with Owlgaze and Maplepaw. Free shared with her his own tales of kithood and they both found one thing in common:

They wished they'd met sooner.

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