Chapter Two: Paving my way

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I woke up to the bright sunshine. I groggily looked around.

My clothes were all scattered in piles all around my room, a few scraps of paper littered the floor and my night stand covered in old water bottles and ramen noodle cups.

I groaned as I slightly stretched and dragged myself out of bed I grabbed my towel that hung from my chair and slung it over my shoulder as I headed to the restroom.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, I wore a slightly large black shirt with the swirl symbol on it, my hair was sticking out of random places and was happily bra-less.

"Good morning sexiest ninja of konoha." I complemented myself in the mirror as I pulled my panties down and used the restroom. I finished and cleaned myself up before I hurried and slipped off my clothes and sat down on my small bathroom seat and I turned on my shower head and picked it up letting it pour on my body.

I let out a sigh and picked up my shampoo and started washing my hair, I sighed I had been trying different hair products and I couldn't wait to finish up this bottle of shampoo since it seemed to make my hair even more frizzy and dry.

I rinsed and conditioned my hair before rinsing my hair again. I also began scrubbing my body with a peppermint smelling body wash that I absolutely loved.

I used the towel to pat dry my face and then my body before going back into my room and getting dressed for the academy.

I went and dug in my fridge for food and decided on a sandwich and milk.

The second I smelt the milk I instantly wanted to puke how long has I left it there for ?! I check the expiration date and it was from nearly two months ago, like hell I'd put that back in the fridge so I left it there id have to go shopping for food soon.

I looked at the time and nearly screamed id be late if I didn't hurry.

"Oh Shit!" I grumbled stuffing my mouth with food and hurrying to the sink to brush my teeth and then rush out the house.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I cursed loudly as I ran, I could see some villagers glaring at me, but I didn't care even if I hated their glares I might as well do what I want than act like a goodie two shoes and still get the same treatment.

But at least now I knew why they glared so intensely at me, I was suppose to be the demon fox to them but what they don't know that I'm not I'm Uzumaki Naruto future Hokage that will surpass of all the previous Kage!

I made it to the Hokage building and went to take my picture, I passed by the restroom to check myself in the mirror and tried to fix my hair and face up but there was not much I could do.

I took the picture and did a peace sign and bright smile which I had practiced all night long. I then hurried and took it to the Hokage.

"Take it again." The Hokage stated as he placed the picture down.

"B-but WHY?!" I stuttered out. "Because it doesn't look professional." The Hokage sighed. "You'll be identified with this photo for missions and training, you look a bit childish and what's with the weird angle?" Hokage sighed as he cocked a brow. "Well uh it looked pretty cool and cute so I thought why not." I huffed.

"Well take it again, hurry up or you'll be late to class." He sighed and I groaned standing up and running upstairs to take it again before the camera man packed up.

I stood seriously and expressionlessly in front of the camera taking the picture, the photographer grumbled about how he told me that having my picture taken from up high was a little weird.

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