Chapter Six: Selfish and UnSelfish

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It took a day for me to be released from the hospital. I was in my room slipping on a black dress, I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed .

I couldn't believe what had happened, Lord Hokage passed away, he was kind to me when I was a little girl. He also looked out for me when he could spare the time, I understood he had piles of paper work and I pulled pranks to catch his attention but now he was gone.

I grab my things and slip my shoes on heading out to the funeral. The entire villages seemed gloomy and quiet. After the service we piled white flowers on his memorial.

I glanced over at konohamaru. He seemed very effected by his loss, he cried hysterically and was talking to Iruka sensei.

I looked around, I didn't see any of my friends nearby they were pretty far away. "We won't forget those bonds." Iruka finished his speech. I looked at konohamaru I wasn't sure how to help him, I had never lost somebody like this before either. The light rain suddenly seized.

"Konohamaru, I'm sure the old man is going to be watching us from above so let's make sure to give it our all." I say to him as he wiped tears and he sniffled. "You think so Naruto-nii?" He asks and I nod.

He lunged at me hugging me as he sniffled and I patted his head. "How about we go get some ramen." I say smiling and he nods. "Before that I'm changing clothes, so meet me at ichuraku's." I say and he nods as he pulls away and for a moment looked shocked.

"N-Naruto-nii, why are you in the sexy no jutsu?" He asks and my cheeks flare up. "What do you mean I'm not using any jutsu." I say looking down at the plain black dress . "Well then why do you have these?" He asked pointing at my breasts with a dead pan look. "Huh? Konohamaru! It's obvious isn't it? I'm a girl why else would I have these! Dattebayo!" I say as I cross my arms and frowned.

"Eh?! I thought you were a boy Naruto-nii!" He gasped and I sighed. "Well I'm not but I guess I'm not the very feminine. I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm a guy." I sigh in defeat.

"So what do I call you, if you're a girl I probably shouldn't call you nii anymore." Konohamaru stated and I shook my head. "It's fine I don't mind." I say ruffling his hair. "Also there's no need to treat me differently I'm still the same old Naruto." I say smiling brightly at him. "Oh okay Naruto-nii, I'll meet you at ichuraku." He smiled and I nodded. " see you there." I say and hurry off to my apartment to change.

Once I arrived at my apartment I quickly changed into my regular orange jumpsuit and hurried out, I could hear my stomach rumbling, I wondered who would become Hokage now that gramps had died. Well who ever it was I hope they will love the village as much as gramps did. I entered the small restaurant. "Konichiwa." I smile as I looked around and saw Konohamaru waiting for his order. "Old man get me a large pork special with extra Naruto." I say as I took a seat. "So what are you going to be doing Naruto-nii?" He asked and I sighed. "Well as Genin we have to help rebuild the village." I say as I place one hand underneath my chin and hold my head up. "Do you think they'll replace the old man." He grumbled looking down picking at the table.

"Well we need a Hokage, who else is going to send us off to missions and protect us. If I was older and stronger then I'd definitely want the position but as it is now neither of us would be able to take gramps place." I say my tone a bit sad. "Yeah.." Konohamaru said in a barely audible whisper. "But for now let's not worry about that right now, how's the academy?" I asked him as his ramen was served.

"They aren't having classes until most of the damages have been repaired." He shrugged as he began eating. "Are you guys going to help around the village as well?" I ask him and he shrugged. "Dunno, but I think that classes will be starting off pretty soon." He stated and I began to eat as well.

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