Chapter Twenty Five: as it progress

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As Naruto arrived at the medic camp she was finally seeing the severity of the problems that had arisen.

All of the shinobi were jumpy as if waiting for one of their comrades to turn into a white zetsu. on some of them she could see the effects of insomnia and possible overdosing on chakra pills to keep themselves awake.

She could feel her stomach turn as she saw some of the more injured ninja which were being brought in for questioning before they could enter the camp. She nearly hurled when she noticed some that were holding their own severed limbs or trying to hold massive cuts and wounds closed.

"They have probably had multiple zetsu attacks and have heightened the security. If zetsu got in and started killing off medic and recovering ninja then our forces would be devastated in the long run." Kurama grumbled from his cage as he watched everything around her.

"Then we will get rid of the zetsu and they can get the ninja treated and our troops won't be so paranoid." She replied mentally as she began pumping some of kurama's pure chakra through her system.

Some of the ninja that were around her and could feel her build up her chakra and jumped back in defensive positions. Naruto paid no mind to them as she made several clones and spread her senses out. Before the Zetsu could react she sprung forward tagging every Zetsu clone in the vicinity.

As she made contact with the clones their disguises fell and Shinobi were quick to attack the morphing bodies of the Zetsu's.

"No need to worry, I am the Nine tails Jinchuriki and I am able to sense the Zetsu clones even in hiding." Naruto stated loudly so that her fellow shinobi could hear her. As she did this she struck her hand in the ground and pulled out a Zetsu that was hiding underground.

"And I will be clearing out the Zetsu in the vicinity. Rest assured that I will clear this area and the medic camp. They will no longer terrorize us here." She growled out as she snapped the White Zetsu's neck.

She dropped the body as it began turning into a tree. She looked around to see some of the more weary faces seem to have a semblance of relief at her words.

She sped forwards and began pinning the Zetsu on her way to the front. She would need to secure the camp now.

She apologized as she made her way to the very front of the line of ninja that were trying to get in. "Naruto Uzumaki, Ninja registration number ID-109486, code Whirlpool. I was sent to clear out the Zetsu." She spoke quickly and to the point. The Iwa Medic nin nodded and let her through.

"Mizu, Please lead Naruto-Sama to lady Sakura, She will know what to do."

"Hai, just allow me to place the chakra supresent on you and I'll lead you to Lady Sakura. " The tired medic who wore suna clothes stated.

"Mizu. As per orders of the Intelligence division, Naruto-san will be allowed to keep her chakra unsealed." The medic interrupted and the medic from suna bit her lip and looked at naruto wearily. "Hai, Fumi-san" Mizu bowed and began leading naruto in the camp

Naruto could tell that people were staring at her in awe, her eyes were a bright yellow and her body was coated in Kurama's pure firery chakra.

As she walked into the camp she spread her chakra out she could already feel the few Zetsu clone that had somehow managed to sneak in. She was quick to make shadow clones and sent them to catch the artificial humans.

The Medic nin she was being lead by stared in awe as Naruto did a complete sweep of the place. "You don't mind if I let my clones sweep the area?' Naruto asked and the woman shook her head.

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