Chapter Eleven: Protecting loved ones

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I huffed as I poured a drink for the waitress. "Nanami, we need another round of sake and some appetizers please." Riza called out handing me a piece of paper with the order.

"Alright give me a moment." I say slightly breathless as I fill up a sake bottle and place it on a serving plate with four cups and the appetizers before handing them to her.

I was now 6 months pregnant. Mobility wasn't the easiest at this point. My ankles and feet had swollen to a size I didn't even know was possible my bump wasn't even small anymore and it looked like I was 8 months pregnant instead of 6 months.

And my body ached to the point where even breathing seemed like a harsh task but yet here I was working in a bar as a bartender.

I was in the land of iron and there were only a few shinobi who came by but they hid their headbands so they wouldn't rile up any trouble with enemy shinobi other than that I was cut off from the shinobi world except for the rumors and stories I'd hear from shinobi or drunk men with loose lips.

You'd think that being a shinobi was hard but trying to live life as a civilian to me seemed like a much larger task. I couldn't move quickly or react as I normally would, if have to play the part as the weak civilian woman when brawls broke out in the bar and couldn't use any ninja skill or ability that might give me away.

My alibi Nanami Haruko was a simple civilian girl who ran away from home because she got pregnant and I always had to make sure that I'd never get caught in a lie and remember what I say at all times.

I rubbed my large bump as I began making another drink for the customers. Not even in training did my body hurt as it did now. The heavy weight on my hips and back made all the ass beatings Hinata and that idiot gave me look like only a little tough love.

I turned placing a mixed drink in front of a rough looking older guy who had developed a tendency for coming here and trying to hit on me. Problem is the bar is high enough and I'm short enough that he can really only see my upper body other wise he'd be in for a big surprise.

"So cutie, gunna tell me your name or still playing hard to get?" He asked cocking a brow as he took a sip of his drink. I couldn't help but get irked, hadn't I told him to get lost before?

"Hmm buy a few more drinks and I'll consider telling you." I say not batting an eye as I began making another drink.

He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "You say that every time and I walk out of here drunk and still not your name or anything." He snickered as he took a sip of his drink.

"I say consider never did I say I would, besides I've said it since the first day you showed up here, not interested." I say placing the drink infront of another guy.

I turn away and began taking orders from other people sitting at the bar. Appearance wise I still had my blue eyes blonde hair but I covered my whiskers up with make up and grew out my hair and kept it up in a messy bun.

 Appearance wise I still had my blue eyes blonde hair but I covered my whiskers up with make up and grew out my hair and kept it up in a messy bun

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