Chapter Eighteen:Mama Trains

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There was a grime silence.

"Jiraya boy, he was..... he was killed in our last mission." Fukasaku managed to croak out.

Naruto felt a wave of nausea and a all familiar ache in her chest.

"What?" She managed to breathe out her voice quivering.

Tsunade lowered her head her body shaking as she was trying to hold back a sob.

"He was killed in our infiltration mission." fukasuku repeated

"The leader of Akatsuki was too strong for us. They had a doujutsu named rinnegan it's abilities and unpredictability ended up being Jiraya boys downfall."

I let out a choked sob. "No, it's not. he was... someone I considered... why!" I cried out my vision was blurred out by tears as I felt familiar arms wrap around me.

"Naruto, breath please." Sakura soothed, but I cried the pain in my chest didn't stop.

"Why was he even fighting the leader of akatsuki... grandma Tsunade you sent him didn't you. You knew how dangerous it was. He died for kami sakes!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Jiraya wouldn't have sent you, he would've realized that... that it was to dangerous." I cried and I heard a loud crackling sound .

I looked up. "I didn't want him to go, but he was stubborn he knew what he was going to do, he knew what he was getting himself into. "Tsunade snapped her eyes filling up with tears.

"but Jiraya managed to send one final message." she croaked out. fukasaku began taking off his cloak and showing the code written on his back. "What does it say." I whimper out.

"We have yet to figure it out. nobody knows what coding he used. it isn't Konohas standard coding or anbu coding." Tsunade stated as I tried to calm down.

I looked down at the code not having a single idea on what it meant.

"when you crack it, tell me what it says."I mumble through the cries.

"Lets go home naruto." sakura stated as she walked me out.

The second I was out of the room I began crying again.

"Do you know if they recovered the body?" I asked sakura.

"His body was lost at sea. At least his body won't be used against us." she stated and I nodded.

We walked through the village people would glance at us as tears streamed down my face.

"Can you stay the night sakura. I don't think I should let the twins see me like this." I mumble and she nodded.

"You should rest Naruto, I'll watch the twins." she mumbled.


There was a small funeral for Jiraya, there was a small grave set up for him.

The code had yet to be cracked. The twins didn't understand why I was sad. They also asked when Jiji-sage was going to come back. I didn't have the heart to tell them that he wouldn't.

"Mama, why do you keep crying? are you sad?" Ryuu asked as he held my hand as we went to get groceries.

"Sakura-nee and Hina kaa-san have been coming over a lot lately too." Aki stated as she ate the lollipop I bought her.

I didn't reply. "are guys hungry for something in specific today?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"You shouldn't push they're worries aside. They don't really understand what's going on." kurama stated.

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