Chapter Sixteen: Mama's Progress

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Third POV

"Hi I'm ryuu!"A small black hair boy smiles.

"And I'm Aki." The girl counter part smiled widely.

"And together we have important news. Author-sama accidentally wrote that our ages are 4 but we are 2 years old." They both smile simultaneously.

"So she came up with a creative way to apologize that doesn't look like authors note so you guys wouldn't skip it." Aki twirls and winks.

"Author-sama reread her book and apologizes for the grammar errors. Then she realized she messed up our ages. She already fixed the previous chapters and also edited our dialogue to fit a 2 year old more but not everything was changed and now back to your SCHEDULED PROGRAM !!!" Ryuu glomps his sister and smiles.
Naruto POV
"Okay Naruto, it's time to amplify your training." Kakashi stated he had been bed ridden after rescuing Garra, Mangekyo had taken quite a toll on him which was why Yamato had replaced him on the previous mission.

I gave a curt nod as I listened to him. "And how should we do that?" I asked him.

"Well as you know the rasengan isn't complete. The fourth was never able to add nature transformation into the jutsu so it was never complete." He stated and I nodded.

"So I should finish the Rasengan." I stated clutching my hand. "I was thinking about an efficient way to go about it, and I think I found one. But I just want to know if your ready for some brutal training." Kakashi smirked beneath his mask.

I grinned. "Sensei, you best believe I'm ready."

I zipped up the twins jackets. It's autumn and they were coming with me to train.

I had thought about getting them a baby sitter but to be honest I had been absent alot and I could tell it was starting to affect them.

Even if they were smart, even if they could fight, even if they could speak well and express themselves. They were still toddlers.

They were still at the tender age of 2 years old and even if I explained to them why I left them they couldn't really fully comprehend.

I could tell by the way they kept me in their line of sight and how they never wanted to separate from me. They might understand that I was a shinobi and had missions but that didn't mean they wouldn't miss me and feel neglected. So even in training I'd try to spend time with them.

"Now in your backpacks I placed snacks and you have your toys. " I told them, they were eager. It was the first time I was taking them to one of my training sessions.

"Okay mama." Ryuu nodded as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Here your scarf." I say wrapping a dark green scarf around his neck and a similar one around Aki.

"Okay now let's go." I say as we left the apartment. I carried them to the training grounds.

Time to start my training.

Third POV

Yamato and Kakashi were waiting for Naruto on the training field.

The second she arrived she greeted them and Kakashi began explaining to her what she was to do.

"To Master wind chakra you'll need good chakra control, I know your a medical ninja but just to add to your training you will cut a water fall with your chakra." Kakashi stated.

Naruto looked around and sweat dropped. "There isn't a waterfall." She deadpanned and Kakashi chuckled.

"Yamato if you may so kindly." He smirked and Yamato nodded. The wood style user ran through a variety of seals.

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