Chapter Fourteen: Baby Daddy Issues

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Third Person POV

To think the Uchiha had already started reproducing. In a way Danzo had an eye on the small children that huddled close to their Uzumaki mother.

Yes, if he could mold them to his ninja ways and get them to join the root. His lone eye wandered to the other people in the room.

Weak, all of them and their weak resolve to take opportunity on such prize they had infront of them.

To be honest at the time when the young Uzumaki woman had been a child he had proposed she be placed under his care and trained but the third insisted that she'd be treated like a normal child and not as a weapon. And this was the result.

A teenage pregnancy and a run away. But even that inconvenience turned into a blessing, two young Uchiha children with Uzumaki blood that gave them quite potential to become splendid shinobi.

"Are you sure, it'd be a waste on their potential." Danzo stated as he spoke. The blond woman narrowed her eyes.

"I will not allow my children to be weaponized. They will live out their childhood and thats final. Training is alright but becoming a ninja is too much, we aren't in war and although frail, we are still in peace. No reason to burn them out so young." Naruto gritted out as the council members glanced at each other.

Danzo was irritated with the woman but said nothing more as Tsunade spoke up. "The children are civilian and they aren't orphaned, naruto will decided for them until they come of age." She stated as she narrowed her eyes at Danzo.

"It was a mere suggestion, besides we have to discuss the punishment for Naruto here for leaving the village without permission. Not only is she the Jinchuriki but she is also a chunin leveled ninja. Deflection is punishable with death." Danzo stated and Tsunade snickered.

"She had a good reason to leave, the village was in danger of another nine tails attack. Which leaves the next subject open for discussion. " Tsunade sighed.

"The man who murdered the yondaime and his wife." Tsunade stated and Koharu spoke up. "The Nine tails was a natural disaster." She spoke up confused.

Naruto sighed. "No, a masked man was behind the attack. My father fought against him before managing to take Kurama out of his control." Naruto stated as she quickly did some handsigns.

There was a poof and a tall man with bright red hair appeared, he had fox ears his eyes were outlined with black and red eyeliner and he had whisker marks on his cheeks that resembled Naruto's. Nine orange red tails swung loosely behind him.

"Yo." Kurama smirked as he crossed his arms. His white kimono hung loosely on him. "Kurama!" The twins squealed as they jumped on the Fox like man.

"Who's that?" Homura stuttered and Naruto smirked. "This is Kurama, the Nine tailed fox in the flesh." She stated.

"If you're going to talk about me might as well be here to defend myself." Kurama smirked.

"Now to clear my name."

Hours passed as they spoke, team seven, the council and the hokage were all there discussing the threat of the of the masked man.

Danzo being the stubborn old fool he was insisted that if all of what was being said was true then for more reason he should train the twins.

But the idea was quickly shut down by the demon fox. "As if I'd let an old fart like you take the kits. They're fine where they are at, naruto and I oversee their training and unless your asked to we don't need your input in that matter." Kurama hissed, the twins had fallen asleep. Bored out of their minds about all the politics that were being discussed.

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