Chapter Thirteen: Mama's ninja friends

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Third POV

Everyone had over come their initial shock of the twins. Throughout the afternoon they chatted away trying to get to know the two better.

Both twins were wearily of strangers especially after being told not to trust anybody but Naruto and Pervy Sage.

A few days went by and everyone had come to terms with what had happened.

"Hot springs, hot spring. We take a bath!" Aki squealed as she ran around Naruto as they walked to the hot springs.

"She's so adorable." Hinata cooed as she walked alongside Naruto.

"I know right, Naruto you have the cutest kids and so polite." Ino smiled as she flipped her long pony slightly.

"Mama look Ino-sans hair it so pretty." Aki stopped and pulled on Naruto's sleeve and eagerly pointed at Ino who smirked triumply.

"I know, you say it all the time honey." Naruto replied as she looked down at Aki. "Yeah I know I do it so that you remember how you cut your pretty hair." Aki stated and skipped off.

"I haven't forgotten honey. You tell me everyday." Naruto sighed as they continued walking.

"Cute and polite but man they're full of attitude and spunk." Tenten sweat dropped making Naruto sigh and nod.

"Yeah, reminds me of a certain somebody." Naruto muttered the last part.

"What are you trying to say kit?! That I taught them how to be sassy and picky?" Kurama howled from inside his seal and in Naruto's mind.

' Yes and not only that, they sometimes act like wild foxes because they say you told them they're kits and should act like it.' Naruto sighed internally as she watched Aki skip around and twirl while walking down the street.

"Tch, you're just Jealous that you don't have your senses as heightened them or their keen primal instincts." He sneered as he stomped around in his cage and gloated.

'As if you know better than anyone that I'm not jealous, I'm quite proud actually but sometimes they're too fox like, they're just like you. They hold grudges, are sneaky and love to gloat about being fox like.' Naruto sighed in desperation. Kurama huffed and ignored her.

"Mama, mama, mama." Ryuu tugged on Naruto's pants and finally caught her attention. "Yes darling?" She looked down at him.

"You were making faces again. What did Urama say?" He asked knowing that Naruto was possibly talking to Kurama.

Ino scrunched her brows at Ryuu's comment, Urama, they had said that name multiple times now. Who was he and why was he so close to the twins?

Naruto gave him a soft smile. "We were talking about how you and your sister are kits and how you love to act like it." She responded.

Ryuu smiled widely showing a toothy grin, being that they had so much of Kurama's chakra influence them since pregnancy caused them to gain some fox like features. One of those were their sharp canine like teeth.

At a glance it wasn't as noticeable but alike Naruto with her nine tails chakra coat their teeth were slightly pointed.

"Yeah, of course we kits, because that's what we are. right mama, because Urama taught us how to be foxes." He smiled as he let go of Naruto and skipped around slightly as they arrived at the bath house.

Hinata, Ino and Tenten were confused at the conversation Ryuu and Naruto had. Fox like? Kurama? And his teeth, why were they sharp like that? If they were from the inuzuka clan it would make sense but they weren't.

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