Chapter Nineteen: Live fast Die young

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Ryuu Pov____________

Sakura-nee was cooking and humming softly.

"How did you meet kaa-san?" I asked as I stood beside her trying to see what she was doing.

She glanced at me and smiled. "We went to school together, we weren't friends but later on we were placed on the same team together and became friends." she replied.

"What are teams?" I ask as I heard Nee-chan walk into the rooms.

"teams are a group of people who work together to do something. We were a shinobi team, we worked together to do missions." Sakura stated as she picked up a handful of carrots and putting it in the big bubbly pot.

"Oh, and what about Hina kaa-san?" I asked. "I'm not quite sure how they became friends. maybe you should ask Hinata when you see her." Sakura smiled as she ruffled my hair.

"Otôto let's go play." Aki huffed as she tugged on my arm. "Okay." I say following her.

"What do you want to play?" I asked looking around Sakura-nees home. "Lets, um.... let's play on the bed and make a fort!" I say as I imagine building our strong fortress.

Nee-chan nods and we hurry into the room, I slowly close the door so that Sakura-nee doesn't come check on us.

Aki climbs on the bed and began to jumps. "I'm going to be the great Kitsune, you have to build our village, okay Otôto." Aki says as she jumped on the bed.

"hn." I nod and grabbed all the blankets and the pillows. I hurried to the chair by Sakura-nee dresser and use it to start my fortress. I build it as strong as I can.

"Look Aki, my strong village!" I giggle as I crawled inside of it. "I the great Kitsune will attack your fortress to test it's strength and to make the world know I'm the strongest!" she squealed as she jumped off the bed and began to roar.

I squealed and hid deeper. "I'll have to call my strongest ninja! The Hokage!"

I tackle her on the bed and we began wrestling trying to pin each other down. I couldn't help but laugh. Aki-nee giggled loudly as we rolled around playing.

"my turn, my turn to be hokage!" she squealed.

"The hospital smells funny Sakura-nee." I grumble as we followed her around. "That's just the smell of medicine. You two sure you don't want to spend the day with hinata?" she grumbled as she bit the end of her pen and the started writing again.

"Can we go play in the park?" aki asked and Sakura sighed. "You two are still very young and small. you can't go and play in the park without an adult." Sakura stated.

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Being here is cool and all but we want to run and okay sakura-nee and and um... the nurses keep getting on to us." I grumble out and Sakura sighs.

"how about after my shift I take you guys to play? Your mama left some training for you to do and I'm wonderful with chakra control. I could teach you some cool techniques, how does that sound huh?"

Aki and I glance at each other with a smile. I nod "uh, okay we promise to behave until then."

Sakura-nee grinned, "Good, now c'mon follow me alright." she smiled as she walked off and  we followed right behind her.


Aki-nee and I were soaking wet, we had been trying to learn how to water walk but now we were just splashing around in the river. Sakura-nee was soaking wet too.

I giggled as I splashed them both and Sakura splashed me back. "water style: Water splash!" aki squeaked as she splashed both of us.

Sakura-nee and I glanced at each other and bursted out laughing.

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